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JOB DESCRIPTION <br />DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />General Statement of Duties <br />The position is appointed by and reports to the City Manager. Duties include overall management of <br />the Community Development Department, including airport, building code, code enforcement, <br />floodplain administration, grant writing, historic preservation, and planning functions; anticipating the <br />need for and developing policies, procedures, and short-term and long-term plans; oversight of <br />financial management activities of the Department; prioritization of needs and allocation of resources; <br />and performing other administrative functions. The position interacts regularly with other City <br />departments, other public agencies, community groups, news media, and the general public. Requires <br />excellent communication skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks concurrently. <br />Essential Duties and Responsibilities <br />1. Directs, plans, and manages all functions, programs, and operations of the Department, <br />including the divisions of Planning and Zoning, Historic Preservation, Main Street, Building <br />Inspections, Code Enforcement, Municipal Airport, Grant Writing, and Enterprise Zones. <br />2. Presents budget requests, controls expenditures of departmental appropriations, and establishes <br />operational standards for the Department. <br />3. Exercises prudent and timely knowledge of modern planning principles, procedures, <br />techniques, and equipment. <br />4. Applies proper personnel management techniques and employment law. <br />5. Directs and participates in training programs. <br />6. Develops and maintains positive relationships with colleagues within the Department and City, <br />peers in other agencies, minority and other community groups. <br />7. Exhibits courage and strength to make strong recommendations to the City Manager and City <br />Council and stands up for his or her convictions but does so in a professional and respectful <br />manner. <br />8. Proactively searches out, evaluates, and is open to new planning, code enforcement, building <br />code, aviation, and historic preservation technologies, equipment, training, and ideas. <br />9. Demonstrates continuous effort to improve and streamline operations and work cooperatively <br />to provide quality, seamless customer service. <br />10. Assists with coordination and preparation of Department related items for agendas and packets <br />for City Council and various boards, commissions, and committees. <br />11. Oversees City's planning, zoning, and land use, including reviewing all development proposals <br />for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, City policies, and other regulations. <br />12. Direct and oversees activities of the on-site contract Airport Manager and annual Air show. <br />13. Serves as Floodplain Administrator, developing ordinances regulating construction standards in <br />floodplains, oversee issuance of building permits in such areas, develops map amendments, and <br />assists in the development of new floodplain maps. <br />14. Serves as Historic Preservation Officer, files all related reports, guides property owners through <br />Certificate of Appropriateness process and help ensure compliance with City's Historic District <br />Design Standards and SOI Standards; enforces the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance; <br />complete and file annual preservation reports to the Texas Historical Commission. <br />Revised 3/05/09 <br />City of Paris <br />'1 otiUl.To <br />