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this coiltract. Sn e.\ecuted facsimile copy \~'ill be sufficient to e~~idence the Parties <br />agreennent to any aiilendnlelit, revision or chanRe to this contract. <br />B. It is understood and a,-,Teed by the Partles llereto that perfonnance of all activlties under <br />tllis contract must be rendered in aecordance with the Act, Ex1libit A of tlzis Contract, the <br />regulations promulgated under the Act, the assurances and certifications made to <br />Departriient by Administrator, and the assurances and certifications made to the United <br />States Department of Housing and Urban Development by the State of Texas with regard <br />to the operatioii of the HOME Program. Based on these collsiderations, and in order to <br />ensure the legal and effective performance of this eontraet by both Parties, the Parties <br />herein agree that the activities under this contract are amended by the provisions of tlle <br />HOME Manual and any amendments or revisions thereto, and may be further amended in <br />the following Inaruler: <br />1. Department may issue guidance which serves to establish, interpret, or clarify the <br />performance requirements under this contract. Such policy directives shall: <br />a. be promulgated in the fonn of HOME Proaram Policy Issuances; <br />b. have the effect of qualifying the terms of this contract; and <br />c. be binding upon Administrator as if written herein. <br />2. Provided, however, that said guidance and any amendments to the HOME Manual <br />shall not alter the terms of this contract so as to release Department of any <br />obligation specified in Section 3 of this contract to reimburse costs incurred by <br />Administrator prior to the effective date of said amendment or policy directive. - <br />C. Any changes, additions, or deletions to the tenns of this contract which are required by <br />changes in federal or state law, or regulations, are_ automatically incorporated into this contract without the requirement of a written amendment hereto, aiid shall become <br />effective on the date designated by such law or regulation. <br />D. Amendment requests must be submitted in writing by Administrator sixty (60) days prior <br />to this contract's termination date, as specified in Section 1. _ <br />SECTION 16. SUSPENSION <br />In the event Administrator fails to comply with any tenn of this contract, Departnient may, upon <br />written notification to Administrator, suspend this contract in whole or in part; w.ithhold further <br />disbursements to Administrator, and prohibit Administrator from il~cumng additional obligations <br />for funds under this contract. Administrator acknowledges that it does not have a right to <br />suspension as a pre-requisite to tennination. <br />SECTION 17. TERMINATION <br />A. Department ma_y tei-n7inate this colitract in wIlole or in part, in accordance with this <br />section. In the event Administrator fails to comply, in Depai-tment's sole discretion and <br />judgiiient, ~vitl7 any terni of t11is contract, or aily term stated in a federal statute ol- <br />reL,ulation, or with any assurance given to Department by Administrator, or wl . th any tern7 <br />I-30ME Conuact # 1000930 <br />Page 9 of 31 <br />