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in a state plan, or with .4dministrator's application, the notice of award. or elsewhere <br />Departlnent may take any of the followin, actions: <br />l. Telnporarily %~'ithhold disbursements pendin~ correction ot t11edeficiency b}~ <br />Administrator; <br />2. disallow all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in connpliance; <br />3. suspend this contract upon wntten notification to Adn~inistrator of the deficiency <br />and the penod within which Adnlinistrator must coinply; <br />4. 3ecept Administrator's failure to comply or correct azly deficiel7cy within the time <br />period set forth in any written notice of suspension as evidence of Administrator's <br />inability to perfornl under the terms of this contract, Administrator's intent to <br />tern-iinate this contract and Administrator's agreemelit to surrender all riglits to <br />remaining funds; <br />5. withhold further HOME awards from Administrator, and/or affiliated Parties; <br />6. take more severe enforcem antac aolailable auainst <br />Department, tal'ing <br />determnnedtl~y <br />remedies that may be legally <br />Department, to ensure compliance with the terms of this contract. <br />ailed substantial <br />B. At the sole discretion of Department,ve ddate of th s Contract achieved <br />pro~ress within six (6) months of the effecti <br />any perfornlance benchmark, this Contract may be temzinated_ Administrator may appeal <br />to have the Contract reinstated in accordance with 10 TAC § 1.7. <br />SECTION 18. AUDIT <br />In addition to tlle rrements of Section 6(B) of this contract, Adrninistrator shall <br />submit to Department, within sixty (60) days after the end of each fiscal year, an Audit <br />Certification Forna as specified by Department for each the contract which y Umonths <br />nless <br />of the :Administrator's fiscal year overlaps a month of <br />otherwise directed by Department, Administrator shall arrange for the performance of an <br />annual financial and compliance audit of funds received and performances rendered under <br />this contract, subject to the following conditions and limitations: <br />1, Administrator shall have an audit conducted in accordance with 24 C.F.R. §84.26 <br />or §85.26, as applicable; OMB Circular A-133; and 31 U.S.C. 7501 for any of its <br />fiscal years included within tcnses of more fithan $500,000 in fede al <br />contract in which Admimstrator has expe <br />financial assistance provided by a federal agency in the fonn of grants, contracts, <br />loans, loan gu a r a n tees, pro perty, cooperative agreements, interest subsidies, <br />insurance or direct appropriations, but does not include direct federal cash <br />assistance to individuals. The term federal financial assistance includes awards of <br />financial assistance received directly from federal agencies, or indirectly through <br />other units of State and local goverm-nent. <br />At the option of Administrator, each audit required by this section may cover <br />Administrator's entire operations or each departznent, agency, or establisl-iinent of <br />Administrator whiclz received, expended, or otherwise administered federal funds. <br />N OME Connact # ] 0009 ',0 <br />Paee 10 of?I <br />