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19- Grant Application
City Council
Agenda Packets
06 June
19- Grant Application
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6/8/2009 8:18:37 AM
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Local Grant Appllications
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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOLJ CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 4 of 5 <br />Enter the Address for the Civil Rights Liaison: <br />135 lst SE Street Paris, TX 75460 <br />Enter the Phone Number for the Civil Rights Liaison [(999) 999-99991: <br />9037849241 <br />Certification <br />Each applican[ agency wili certify to the specific criteria detailed above under Program Requirements to be eligible for funding user the <br />Justice Assistance Grant Program Solicitation. <br />X I certify to all of the above eligibility requirements. <br />Problem Statement: <br />Please provide a detailed account in the Problem Statement section of the exlsting issues your project will target. <br />Enter your problem statement: <br />As technology moves forward in the criminal justice fiefd, our department is lagging behind. By establsihing a link between a'live scan' <br />fingerprint system, fingerpritns can be submitted and compared with prints on file at the state level. This aids in identification of individuals <br />arrested or suspected of criminal adivities. We do not have this capability at this time. The City of Paris did invest money in a new records <br />management system which can interface with the live scan system and municipai court system. These interfaces will assist in the amount <br />of time taken [o identify a suspeC[ or arrested person for proper entry into our system. We are in the process of joining a consortium of <br />criminal justice agencies which can share [his information across the internet. Presently, the municipal court software does not share <br />information with the police department records system. Many identifying factors of suspects are not available for both systems. <br />Supporting bata: <br />Provide as much supporting data, to include baseline statistics and the sources of your data, which are pertinent to where the grant project <br />is located and/or targeted. Do not use statewide data for a local problem or national data for a statewide problem. <br />Enter your supporting data: <br />in the past year, we have had 4 separate cases of bad identities resulting in arrests of persons who had their identity used or stolen by <br />other persons. The deparrtment has handled 47 cases of identity theft in the last 12 months. As this continues to be a problem in the <br />technology age, law enforcement needs the technology to identfy persons in a quick and efficient manner. <br />Community Plan: <br />For projects that have a local or regional impact target area, provide information regarding the community plan need(s) that your project <br />willl address. <br />Enter your community planning needs: <br />The Paris Police Department did participated in the local community planning process for FY 2009. Seveal priorites will be responded to by <br />this funding. Establishment of more accurate data by electronic fingerprint submission and comparision will enhance the identification of <br />suspects and arrested persons. The ability to interface this information with other software programs with the police department leads to <br />the sharing of more accure[e data with other criminal justice agencies. Criminals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs do not <br />recognize city or county borders. By our involvement with the NTCOG IEAPS program, people who reside in our area who are bringing <br />drugs from the metroplex can be more readily identified due to thier involvement in crimes in other areas. For this information to be <br />worthwile, the ability For these systems to 'talk' to each other through these interfaces and the ability to provide real time fingerprints <br />submissions will enhance the correct identity of suspects involved. <br />Goal Statement: <br />Provide a brief description of the overall goals and objedives for this project. <br />Enter a description for the overall goals and objectives: <br />Provide the department with the ability of a live scan fingerprint system for more efficient submission of fingerprints and timely <br />identification of those prints. Link the information through the interface to the records management system of the police department. This <br />information is then shared with LEAPS, the Law Enforcement Analysis Portal in the metroplex area. Link the information provided to our <br />municipal court system through citations to the police department records systern without redundent entry for availabtilty in the LEAPS <br />program. <br />Cooperative Working Agreement (CWA): <br />When a grantee intends to carry out a grant project through cooperating or participating with one or more outside organizations, the <br />grantee must obtain authorized approval signatures on the cooperative working agreement (CWA) from each participating organization. <br />Grantees must maintain on file a signed copy of all cooperative working agreements, and they must submit to GD a list of each <br />participating organization and a description of the purpose of each CWA. Cooperative working agreements do not involve an exchange of <br />funds. <br />For this project, provide the name of the participating organization(s) and a brief description of the purpose(s) for the CWA(s). You should <br />only provide information here that this projecYs successful operation is contingent on for the named service or participation from the <br />outside organization. <br />Note: A Sample CWA is available hi~Eg for your convenience. <br />Enter your cooperating working agreement(s): <br />N/A <br />Continuation Projects: <br />For continuation projects only, if your current or previous year's project is NOT on schedule in accomplishing the stated objectives, brieFly <br />https://cjdonl ine. 06/03/2009 <br />~ ~E0(i~~6 <br />
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