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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOiJ CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 5 of 5 <br />describe the major obstacles preventing your organization from successfuliy reaching the project objectives as stated within your previous <br />grant application. (Data may be calculated on a pro-rated basis depending on how long the current or previous year's project has been <br />operating.) <br />Enter your current grant's progress: <br />N/A <br />Project Summary: <br />Briefly summarize the entire application, including the project's problem statement, supporting data, goal, target group, activities, and <br />objectives. Be sure that the summary is easy to understand by a person not familiar with your project and that you are confident and <br />comfortable with the information if it were to be released under a public information request. <br />Enter your summary statement for this project: <br />The entire progject can be summarized as a giant ieap into technology which wili better identify persons arrested or charged with crimes, or <br />individuals who move through our municipal court system to the police records rnanagement system which in turn will mean correct and <br />meaningful information being shared with other agencies. <br />You are logged in as User Name: Bhundley <br />https://cjdonline.governor. 06/03/2009 <br />~ 0 0 ('6 <br />~ <br />