NC1U-30-2007tFRI? 16: L15 L t N lUk4 C: I t1tL i livL nr nL i I , , ~ . , , -
<br />9, DUE Dt1.[(`rENCE L14Sf'EC'11QN: 8vyer shAl1 havc rtssnnable access ta tF,c l'rophrty ftN'
<br />tttc nurpose of inspac:tins its plyyslcnl cwidition and pcrfarmiub ucher invcstigaticns af tha (aropoity ai►d
<br />the 5uiMbility 9nd feaiibility of tlie Properry for Buyct''5 p1'oposect iisc;. $uytt'5 Ictspect'tqn righrs shalf
<br />11101ude pertocnliag sail ta6ts, eitvirtintitcqial tet;ts or audics, CptlqdAl'lAn Aad mechanical lncpecriona, arid
<br />sueh arJter inspcctiQns us Buyer rna), reasoi7ably C1eWYmilie arc nccxssary ur desirnhlc, parfaim;ng
<br />davrolaprnl~nt pixttni„p, onginceriiig, fcnsibilit}- and ollwr studies, rev(cwiug appJiaabfe sLuta, fedclal &nd
<br />Ipcal laws, revi3wing All leasts, oontraccs ai1d uyUemni7cs affoaclqg thv Property, nftid pol'torntiilg suell
<br />atlier tests, reviews and iiavcsligutious und obtniniug such appPOvt119 7lS BUyer dCCrn~ ritcCS9ai'y dr
<br />:rpprppt'it►tt, R~ytio sllatl inde»>niiy asid liold Snlier h8rmless frain and apiiYSt any nnd ull toss, cnst,
<br />expectsc arid iiabllity atising aut of Buyvr's due dillsence in<<c:szigation oF tlit kNptirly; provfdad,
<br />howeva, that Buyer sW nat bd t'esponsible for any exisCing GdndiriQns on the prop~rty. 411 Uispecrions
<br />and invtidi*bua sluilt bc at Buye#s uspansa, At e11 times prior to dw aspil'Atifln ❑f ilic lnspec6nn
<br />l7eriad (as hereiisafter det7tra8), SeIler shu13 allox+ Buyer and lts caunsrl, nceountnnts, or oUier
<br />represei7rutiaes ta lmve 1'ull access during rcasnnttbic hours ro[he Proparry, subj;Gk cu dta riLhts oF any
<br />tenants cF she Prapti-ty, mad 5aller shall fistitish F3uye1' wteh all iilfhrtndl'IVn conarrnUig tlre pliysical
<br />candltiptt or inanci¢I aSpnGts of t118 prA(7CCty ri5 BUyQP R1ny rosaanably request Buyer's abligutiors
<br />updar t'his CantrACt are eantingent upun iki6ao Aupectiona and invesiiptions revealing thaC llia physiaaI
<br />cQnditiocs and otl►ci• utipocts afirliG Property arc rauisFit ctory to Buyer, in Huyur's sula opi:ilotr. It' E3tryer is
<br />ncst satisfied with die physical oandfeiRi1 or oilret aspeors of Ci'1e Pr4parly, f3uycr inay eleCl to tet'111inRte
<br />iiiis cankracT, previded diat tklis ctzec►en musr Ie nwde by writtr.n noticr ca Seller 6y A.~,udt 3r, zoOS.
<br />(CUo "iapaocion Periad"), tf Buyer,etcxrs ca rtrminaw this Contracr within riiis time period, al! Ear~u:sz
<br />Ntoney and odiar sutts dnposlcad under this Contraat ahalt be returned proiuptly to Buyer mid chis
<br />Cuncraat sshuil be czull and vaid, if, liawcver, guyLr daes noC elect to (t;c771ic1ate tltis Coltt►rtCt wiUtin h1his
<br />time pariod,.ri» conCinbnncy statad ln chis ptti-agraph ehall hava be~.n waivnd by Buyar and Buycr shsll be
<br />aULipttC to prucard wich the closln6 af thls rransactian asul to ;uc3pt the Property ia chy cona(tian
<br />axisting at the 6fYtOtivu Date, o►tiiniry wGUr and tpar axceNtcrJ.
<br />10. j22AL ESTATSAROK.ET;: SGIItJ' ttild Buyer agxt tIIAI Gow,r;Lra., 21 y-tcutive Raultv ani
<br />CteMax Realty aro thv only reai rztsce 6,vkcrs ncgutlnting thls salc aiid 5c;ller II$nees to riay six Wh
<br />pr,rcant eales ~~u►unissi~a upon closfng und ruad"ung a!' ct,e u•ansactiaa. Asiy ptrtY tn Cllis Canci-act
<br />6irQ►sgh ,Nham u alaIm ra any bruker'a, tinder's or odier fee is rnade, concrttry zp lltt rcpresencut+ona made
<br />ubdve in this puragrF►ph 10; sliall iudottntfy, dei'end and hdld liatmlts9 tk atfiar party to thi~ ContraGc
<br />From nny athcr (oss, lwbility, tlajna~e, eost or exrtmse; including, withaut luniratiotti, reasanabla
<br />Wttttrnt5''s t`M~S, Couct costs aqd 4thW legal txpGtses paid oI' lncurred by tlie oflier p¢rCy, tl7at is in aey way
<br />telulnd to s►tch a claitn. Thc pravislo►ia af this pacttgraph lA shall sunrivc Claslna ar kermination aF titis
<br />Ct►ntr4ck
<br />SaSlar agrce5 [D proptt{y EXeCUte atld de11veP w tlte Titlc Co►npaity to hald in e,aruw a Qmeial %tnnty
<br />Deed, s,id a3l other doaumants and bnds rausonably necessttry t.o complz[c ctr4 Closiiig. Tha G,andi-al
<br />Warranty l7eod xlt$ll eoiyvty to Buyar murkotable fee simplr tiCld lo hhe Araperry, free and alenr of all
<br />liGSts and ar►cuinbrancs7s, ottict tfYsttt tiii: Fcrnlitted ExCeptions. At or LcfarU Qit Closin4, l3uyee Ao'CCS tb
<br />deliYtsr inta escrow with the Title Company es cashler's check or guet'fU1[eed fW1cl9 sUfFlCient tD sati5fy h 14
<br />obligations undcr this Cvna•aat,
<br />l", !NSY1RA'NC6; MAWTEiJ'ANCE: SulJcr ugrne9 ro maintain Seiles liabiliry coverfige
<br />insuumttct, Ir aav on dle Ptoporty unzif Closfng. Seller shal1 pcrf'onn atl ordinaKy and na4n;a¢ry
<br />tnz~ntenartei~, upktmp and repmG, ea rhe Propcm, ca muincain ic in its pmettt condiCipi1 th►'oug}t Closilib•
<br />~~~~rynr ltut(als
<br />~
<br />urnntnH ' T.KPAbR/FAE vti;zo LaozrWTti
<br />M 006137:;
<br />