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hJOV-_D,0-2i107(FRI) )b;US LtNiuk',y c t L u IvL r.LrLIIJ _ <br />13, f QR2 IGN 1NVCS'C'MEPCC; Seller rapn~xaut~ th~t ~allcr is noc ji farcign in:c•sun as deseribecl <br />in thc Farcian Invnstmnnc ln ltca! Propvrty Tax Anz tuid agr=s ta dclivrr a aeitLficar.c at Glasing tn Ghar <br />atTect which shxll couiain Selier's tnr, idcntificakiori itumlx:r. <br />14. TC&Ml'NATi(7'N: lf this Cu,ztriiat is ta3Yninated by either party pursuant to a riglyt txnrr.ssly <br />gIvcn iu tti(s Gontrnct ax upan fsilure af ai7y c9ntiagency ar canditi4u prcccdcnc•, Buyer sliall bn cntiticd <br />co an lmtnedixte rNtunti of dtie Bairnest Nlpnny dvpasir, ttnd neit[ier pariy sbali htive aiiy fui-dier ribhrs or <br />obllgatlOnS Under this Contraet ewept ns otitertivise stuted in tltis C:onrraor (in pastigmph I S(1;1). <br />15. L1EFAUI~1' AhID R,EIvIF.D1ES: Stllnr or Buyer sltuJl bc in dt-Ihult uiidLi this Canttzct if <br />cithor i'aiis ka comply with uny ntacerial cuvvtiant, igrtement or e+blEgsuioit wltliiri any tinle 1.imies requia'acl <br />by this Contruet, Foildwitlg a def4ult by aitltor 5eiller OC Buyor under etlt Contract, the odlrr parcy wli3tl <br />.have tlie 1'otl4wi»g remddim, to, iho pcavisians of parttgcuph 16 of th;s Contract; <br />it; as n resuft oP a defuult under this Coacract, eStlzer Seller or Buyer omplays nil onarncy 1o <br />aiforce ics rigltts, the detaultina patty shali, unlcss prohibilod hy law, rolinburse thc nojidefaL►Icing parry <br />for at1 raQSanubie uttorney's f~, court co$t:s anA ocher legal expenses incurrad by tlu nandcfsultinB pony <br />in cniutiection with thn de'CaulL <br />16. DISP45ITlah1 0f Ct~RNM MC1NEY ANJ) Q1`1169 FUNDS AND DQCtJMEN7'S: !n <br />Cha s+hssiice dF written cserow IqSiruction5, and nooeitlistatid'tng uny ot19C1' wYins o!' ihis ContruCz <br />nrqvidingfor forfciture or refu«d ti1'tht: EatucsC Mpiiey, N7c L'sceativ ASent 5hai1 not diilribute tlie CanSe9C <br />tvlonay ar,othtr, racrowcd ru►ids or docunicnxs, vnca deposited, wlthaut the wriClon CroltacnT dPAII parties <br />to rilis C¢nrnocG A party's sigm{Lcure ocr u ei%ircg stauarnunt propured by the L`scrow A,gcnC or ?itle <br />CrOIIipilqy 9I'IaII Cptl&t1i11t4 SUO}1 GpIISGl(. ITI TJ1tl SbJCnCC OP 61CI1GL WIItrcQ COfibtlIIt QP written notice of a <br />dIspute, failure by citIier Buyer or Sollcr to respand ir, wric;nb to a att-JEed lntter ft-am tlie Esarotiv Agnnt <br />or Titla Company, i!' diFFerent, wi[hin rive (5) days ai' roaeipt, or fallure hy either Huyer or Srllet' to iniske <br />writcen deunar,d unon the ochpr p:irly and upan the Cscrnw Agonr or Titie Compwiy, as applicablt~ fur <br />rbtvrn or for!''diture oP' cltt Wnest Monty, pqwr escrowed fpnd:; cir docuntencs %yithin tivo (S) duys atttr <br />receiving wriitm rtadee of aanaellation of this Coueraet, shail cQCuricute canaent ro distribtiitinn ef aEl <br />funds 8nd documentS dapp$ited wirlt dt4 L•"SCPaw AgenC csr 'Citle Company ag suggeYtbd in any sueh <br />oercillrd lZer or writtcn detnand. <br />17. NOTICGS~ A!1 notices, uursCnrs, agprovals, rtquests, waivers, abjwlons or arlier <br />CODlA7U171C8ti0C18 (Co(ICCtiVGh' "uotictx") rcquil-Cd utlder this Contract (Qxcept notlcc gi,ren pursudnt to <br />psrsgraph 16 of dtis Contracr) shall ve in writittb aftQ Stldll be served by either clGOtrpnic facsimile <br />tansrnissian (If mcelpt is verified mid a 5ivt:d copy !s pramptfy mailed), hy liaad dcliucry. Uy pi-epaid <br />~~~-~~uyar lnftialc <br />ML - 11'1P17 /f'7 fTT <br />R <br />A. lf Sellnr dofiss►lts, Buyer may (i) speCifieally Cnforcc this CoturacG Bintl CuCQVni' dmisnges <br />sufFered by Bwyrx us a resulk af tht delay in die nac}uisition vPthe Propercy', or (1l) tcnninare dhis <br />Cqp17aCi by ,writtan natiae ta Stllta' znd, nt Buycr'g option, pursue nny remady und damuggs <br />availablC pc law ar uY equity. i1' Buyor olocts, to mrui{nat4 diis ContractY C1tC ~~r'f►mt MonLvy shall <br />L?C CetilCYltld t0 BUyCC UpQtI LVPITCOil tleiml]d. <br />