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NOY-30-c00 i(FRI ) 16: OE CENTURY ~ 1 tYtLu I 1"t NthL i~ n., ;j u -1 1 1 <br />Unteosl Suiws aardirmd mail, rerurii recuipt reques-ctd, ar by atpurable uverni~,ht defivery Wviee <br />Zuamteed nexT-day cleliYtsty wrid provJdiclo st i-GCalpt. All lioCicrs sliall bn 4dd1VyNrd to tlIc purclas ht th" <br />mspective addresses t1s sat fos-Clt bttlow, exceix chat aizy paiTy tnay, by noticc iil cht~ manntr provfdcd <br />ubavo, cltnuge thic uddresa tor all subsequent noticas. Nolicds shall be dotined Served and recnived upDn <br />the d7tC Of C1'at15t111S9iQt1 (ltt Lht case of eleCivnllfc ft1C5it11ile traiwl'iigaiall), <<pon the third day fp11Dw11lg <br />l'ht d8te oPnitilling (in the r.uC Of notices mailed try Cl:itified ntail) or upcan drlive'y (in all pcht~t' casus). <br />a party's failure or rtfusal cb accept service uFa notiee slWl eoilslikusi: d4very of thc nodC~. <br />lB. SUk2V~Y: Buyar shatl obmiii, at its s06 Nxpense, u euntczjc survey oFctie Property, prelyattd <br />nnd aarti'k'iqd to 1~uyer by a sucveyor (icensed ia the sIate it7 which the Aropas'ty is 1ocated +j<< ttibt the <br />cerrit7cnce at`swvc:y ix in acaarclanca wlth thC Mipiuiuaiti Srniyd:iH L?f:wil roquiranlents for Al,:!'AlACSM <br />Land T'isle SurveyS, conta[n a lcgal dcser3ptlon aF tlie Propnrry artd ldentify liie bnwidari4s of tlle <br />Propnl'ty, the diine$siflns thereuf, the l[7cmlinn und dim2tlsiotts of any improvc,monts on the ProEsei'ty, the <br />loeation nnd tlimeuSioud of ctll racot'dc:d eaLmmimtn an tha PvapccKyt ektia locatiutt and dlinLnsions qP all <br />CflSGrilCpiS, f1ot5-0f-w8y, drivQWays, fdaCla, power (llads, fei1GeS ufld a11CI'oathtlleuts ah Ctle Pi-OpCrty <br />whieh are absecvnUle frarn u visual inspwion of die Propcrry, and access co publie roads or riohl'a•of <br />wuy. k3uyer m,%y Furtucr rbquirG that the eerCJtic:uli~ o!" survey corpty that no parr nP tita Praperty ties <br />wEthin o design+dmtl !'Ir,c,dpiain or flaod liuwd ares, <br />19. EXISTIIVG LEASF,.$ AhID CON's'2AC1"S: Se:lter shall I-ent-asgut thai tkYere :Irr nu <br />nxEstEtif! [estviLx un thi.c pro.pL►•cw. <br />~Y.. 2a. EaCiI*fEST MONEY DLl~OSl'1': 7'v dic nntent pom'titwd by c~pplicablc law, S~-IIar and <br />Buyer hereby di=t thit Es4ruw A,benc tv placa die Can►csk Mflney 3nd nthar funds deposiwd with it i►r . <br />the execudan af titiis Coutr~u:c in an inmrest bearfng =UUnt. A11 i»cere;si aad nt11er earninga on t}ir funds <br />so placcd sltxEl becattte par[ oi'the Eanicst Money deposi4 at7d sliall be dispos3d af as called far !lt ulis <br />CoiitiztL In tl3c samt munneY tt3 Ltle J'wridS origi11tl11y depositcd. The cash payment dui: at Closing sllall ba <br />mducGd by die asrtuunt pf uiiY or other Ctsrnisig,s on the F.tu'i1ost tvloney deposit cliac art nutd ta 4r <br />a=rus for ctg b1!ceft of S4liri►•, <br />31. ESCRt3W FEE5: SeUer a►ati f3uyer sizall cach pay Ot►ti-ltatf of the cusCo►Ylary esaivw fi:es <br />Gharged by thc Titltl Company for hai7dtinb the clvsing ot'dtis transactinn. 32. RECORD1NG AND CLOSITlG CO5"CS; !3tlyzr sliEtll pay Far all fez bnd eu:psiises in <br />connncClon wlifi Buyar's Cinar►cliYg, it atzy, includlllg, ti41ChCul llmlt&hlo►i, flil murrgage registrnticn toxt!:~ <br />and recording fceS. Seller sllall pay fbr all reCOrding tees and otlscr apsis in onnnucClori with dit ratease <br />of nliy lieus on the Property, whfeh $r'a An[ Permittnd Exceptions. Seli:r shall pay for tlto 1`idc <br />CQmmiUncilt tttid the (rvaer's F'aliCy deserihad in para$mph B. Except as athemvis& set 'Fartli in this <br />Cotttract, a11 other Ciosu7g cescs, inaluding withaus li:nlrrcti;atI, m(scoilaLlecUs rccordiizg Fr:tlS whicl} aev <br />not addrmnrl sbove aiid escrow fee 5ha11 be bornG c:qii$Ily 6y SuI1Gr and BuyeC. <br />23, GDIVt)rC»NS- "Ctae abiigAripns of Buyer tcy elase chia transacdan QiXd ro compicto rltt <br />pnrcl=e eutd pny tiiz purehssc pricx rire subject, withaut fimitation, to the folWwing cot7ditians prceedc:nt <br />heinb in effcat at' Gomplistl witli on the Closing Date, and Saller ngrecs that it wIU usc im bcst aftrls lu <br />cr►usu suah eondiYians to be in effcct oc easstplied wiGh ah sucll dare; 0) flQ nratnriully advetse ahun&o <br />sliall havr occdcred with respeat to the conditian ar aperation of the Proporry bewtan dic dBf(~, ber4of urtif <br />the CIosing date, and the Sellrr sha11 have clelivered a ocrtii`tottra to tliat eff'aot xo Buyer, alid (li) no nurt <br />aPT1lC Ptopet'ty sliall bt SUb,jeCt eq any penditig ar tltrtuitnGd candemrtiatinn or public haking. <br />» auyrs initials <br />5allur rnlcixts 2- , <br />Lb:'C0 L00Z15Z/1Y <br /> <br />= 0 U0 1) 8 <br />