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Bill Boothe would like to see a site plan of the proposed new t-hangars. Jack Ashmore <br />stated we need a feasibility study to determine the need for instrument landing system. <br />This will attract more people to the airport. Jerry Richey stated we need explore the <br />feasibility of having roads or car ways along runways. Motion to accept discussion items <br />were made by Jack Ashmore, seconded by Bill Boothe. Motion carried unanimously. <br />S. Discussion of and possible action to allow the nar-rowing of runway 1735. <br />Jerry Richey stated every airport that has done this regretted it. Scott stated this would be <br />limiting jet traffic and commuter service and it would be a step back for the airport. <br />Motion was made by Jack Ashmore, seconded by Pete Kampfer to not recommend <br />narrowing of runway 1735. Motion carried unanimously. <br />6. Discussion of and possible action on the f1'y-in. <br />Pete Kampfer stated he talked with Chris from Paris Regional Hospital about funding the <br />fly in. Chris said it has been a bad year for the hospital and they would be unable to help <br />with the fly in. Pete Kampfer stated the VCC would do a match of 2,000.00, in addition to <br />the City's 2,500.00 budget with no restrictions. Determined the date of the fly-in will be <br />September 26, 2009. Fly-In subcommittee will consist of Scott, Billy, Jack and Jay <br />Crowell. Pete Kampfer further stated can put on webpage, he will assign a staff person to <br />help with fly-in. However, Airport Advisory Board will have to propose use of funds at <br />VCC board meeting. <br />7. Request items, for future agendas. <br />- Replace board member Andy Fasken <br />- Proposal to paint Hangar A <br />- Airport sign <br />8. Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 18TH DAY OF JUNE, 2009 <br />~L <br />Vic Ressler, Chairman <br />~ ~~PP23 <br />