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paint the frame to match, and replace existing guide wires. The sign will be exposed <br />neon around the edge, the Subway lettering will be exposed neon. The sign under the <br />awning will go in the existing sign cabinet and will be back lit. Commissioners <br />discussed the back lit sign and the use of it verses the Design Guidelines. It was <br />determined that the sign could be gandfathered in. Motion was made by Susan <br />Scholz, seconded by Paul Denney to approve the COA window replacement with <br />chocolate aluminum frame, wood door with glass panel located on the north side and <br />front of the building, aluminum frame canvas awning in chocolate color over <br />doorway on the north side, sign package for attached sign and the tailored back lit <br />sign under the canopy. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Susan Scholz arrived at 4:05. <br />Motion was made by Paul Denney, seconded by Matt Coyle to recuse Ben Vaughan. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />3. Public hearing, consideration of and action on the application for a demolition permit by <br />Ben M. Vaughan for the structure located at 1110 Church Street. <br />Ben Vaughan stated they tried to save the building, however, because of the way the <br />fireplace is attached it is pulling the structure over. Mr. Vaughan stated he is requesting <br />permission to demolition the structure. Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by <br />Paul Denney to approve the COA contingent on receiving repair cost estimate that <br />reflects the cost will exceed the value of the home. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Motion was made by Paul Denney, seconded by Susan Scholz to return Ben Vaughan to <br />the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. <br />5. Discussion of and action on placing Citizens Forums on futur-e agenda. <br />Motion made by Paul Denney, seconded by Susan Scholz not to place a Citizens Forum <br />on the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. <br />6. Discussion of and action on the Design Guidelines. <br />Will follow up after the subcommittee meeting on June 4th. <br />7. Request items for future agendas. Design Guideline update. <br />8. The meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS IOTH DAY OF JIJNE, 2009. <br />Arvm t ett, Chairman <br />