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pipelines from Pat Mayse to the water treatment plant to carry additional water supply <br />from Pat Mayse to Lake Crook as needed. System operation plus use of return flows <br />would increase firm yield about 12 MGD. <br />7. Provide local sponsorship, possibly in conjunction with other interested entities for a <br />Corps of Engineers study to determine the viability of reallocation of Pat Mayse flood <br />control storage to water supply storage. <br />8. Pursue the Consultant's return flow Scenario B by constructing a diversion structure on <br />Pine Creek near the Red River, catching all return flows from Pine Creek through that <br />point and selling it to the outside contracting entity. <br />9. Apply to amend the City's water rights permit to allow a peak day taking of up to three <br />times the annual authorized 55 MGD if the City agrees to sell water to an outside entity. <br />.6 O6U03 % <br />