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CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />AND <br />LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS, SHERIFF'S OFFICE <br />EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT 2009 <br />Amount Requested: $24,140 ($12,070.00 for the City of Paris and $12,070.00 for Lamar <br />County) <br />Disparate Cert fcation: The City of Paris and the County of Lamar are certified as disparate <br />jurisdictions and are submitting this joint application for the allocated $24„070.00 in funding. A <br />Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been adopted by the governing body of each <br />jurisdiction and was signed and faxed to OJP prior to the application being submitted indicating <br />the City of Paris will serve as the fiscal agent for the joint funds and agreeing to share the funds <br />equally for the respective projects listed herein. <br />Trust Fund: The City of Paris will establish a trust fund in which to deposit any JAG funds and <br />will distribute any award as provided in the MOU. The trust fund may or may not be an interest <br />bearing account. <br />Supplanting: The funds requested by the City of Paris Police Department and the Lamar County <br />Sheriff s Office will be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and WILL NOT <br />replace or supplant non-federal funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br />Applicable Category: Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement program <br />Analysis of Need: The police department has a surveillance video system which continually <br />malfunctions during interactions between officers and suspects or witnesses. There is a delay in <br />the audio syncing with the video along with instances in which the audio stops recording <br />completely for a few seconds. These problems with the audio and video have discredited <br />evidence in statements given by suspects and witnesses alike. The real time recording is crucial <br />in obtaining a fair and accurate statement for persons in interviews and in other areas of the <br />department. By replacing this system, accurate and real time recording will be available for <br />evidence of what and what was not said during interviews. <br />LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS, SHERIFF'S OFFICE <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br />Applicable Category: Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement program <br />Analysis of Need: The duty of the Sheriff s Office is mainly a law enforcement function serving <br />the citizens of Lamar County including but not limited to: patrol duties, iuvestigations, warrants, <br />juveniles, transports and maintaining a 196 bed jail facility. The listed equipment is necessary <br />equipment needs for this agency in normal every day law enforcement duties. The video camera <br />requested is in a digital format with media that is easily stored and reproduced for case <br />management needs in the Lamar County Attorney's Office. The cainera includes a digital <br />enhancement in lieu of the outdated VCR camera that it will be replacing resulting in better <br />visual and audio quality that is imperative in case managemenC as well as Officer safety <br />issues. The Kenwood portable radios wi11 replace outdated patrol radios to <br />