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Attachment A <br />ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION <br />MID TEX DNISION <br />REVISION NO: 0 <br />RIDER: <br />GCR - GAS COST RECOVERY <br />APPLICABLE T0: <br />Ail Citiea Except Dallas <br />EFFECTNE DATE: <br />Biils Rendered on or after 81112009 <br />PAGE: 69 <br />prudently incurred transaction-related fees, gains or losses and other transaction costs associated <br />with the use of various financial instruments that are executed by the Company for the purpose of <br />price volatiliry mitigation. <br />Actual Gas Cost Billed = EGCF multiplied by the monthly volumes billed to Residential, Commercial <br />and Industrial Sales customers, less the total amount of gas cost determined to have been <br />uncollectible and written off which remain unpaid for each month of the reconciliation period. <br />Any amount remaining in the reconciliation balance after the conclusion of the period of amortization <br />will be maintained in the reconciliation balance and included in the collection of the next RF. <br />Atmos Energy shall file annual reports with the Commission, providing by month the following <br />amounts: Gas Cost Written Off. Margin Written Off, Tax and Other Written Off, Total Written Off, <br />Gas Cost Collected and Margin Collected. <br />TXS = Any statutorily imposed assessments or taxes applicable to the purchase of gas divided by <br />the estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales. <br />ADJ = Any surcharge or refund ordered by a regulatory authority, inclusive of interest, divided by the <br />estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales is to be included as a separate line item <br />surcharge. <br />(b) Pipeline Cost <br />Method of Calculation <br />Each month, a Pipeline Cost Factor (PCF) is calculated separately for each Pipeline Cost Rate Class <br />listed below. The formula for the PCF is: <br />PCF = PP / S, where: <br />PP =(P - A) x D, where: <br />P= Estimated monthly cost of pipeline service calculated pursuant to Rate CGS <br />D= Pipeline service allocation factor for the rate class as approved in the Company's most recent <br />rate case, as follows: <br />Issued By: David J. Park vce President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs <br />Date Issued: <br />-143 <br />