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09-Move to approve changing zoning
City Council
Agenda Packets
11 November
09-Move to approve changing zoning
Entry Properties
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CommerclPi GontrBCl - UNmproved ProOeRy Conceming 477M %G aTFEET, CiRi6 TGIAB <br />B. Tf7LE POLIGY AND SURVE7: <br />A. Illlo Pallcy <br />(1) Scllor, 8( $A116e5 aXpBttEB, wlll ftUl'Td6h 6UYCr 9n Ownerc Policy of TlUe ineuiance (lhe UUe policy) <br />iaeued by the title compeny In the amounl of Ihc salcs prlcc, datoC al or aflcr dosing, Insuring <br />6uynr ogolnst loss undor tho lllJe pollcy, eubject only Ia: <br />(a) those tltle nxceptlone Dermilled Dy lnls mnlmcl or oa moy be approvoC Gy 9uycr In wrlhng, ond <br />(b) the standarti pnnlod axcepllone contalnod In tho promulgalod (orm of tlUe pollcy unloss this <br />mntrac( provides othanNle.e <br />(2) The slandard prlnteC ekcapllon en to dincropAnoieF, cannict4, or shortapes In area and Doundary <br />Ilnee, or any enanechmente or prowstons, or any overiepping Improromenls: <br />RJ (o) wlll nol Do amondoa or 4CIUlCO from the hUO policy. <br />❑(D) wlll be amendod to reed •ehorteBes in aroas' at tha wcponso af ❑ Buyer p SGicr <br />(3) Duyor may obJect lo ony re,atrlnive co"nanU on Thc Propcrty wichin Ihc Ilmc reqwred undor <br />PeregraDh 6C. <br />(d) Wllhin it days aMr tho oHoclive dots, Seller wul fumish Buyer a commlimonl for UUo Insuranco <br />(!he commltment) mdudUg legiblo coplca ot rocordod dowmonls ovldoncing l1lla wcrepUona <br />9eller euthorizes the UUe compeny In deliver the commihnant and relaMd documents to Duyer at <br />euyefs nddreas. <br />(1) Wllhln deys after the elfective deto; <br />❑(a) Buyer will oClam.a survey af Ihe PrapaRy el Buyefe cxpenso and dollvar a copy of thasurvay W <br />Seller. <br />m(b) Seller, at Sollera oxponso, wlll (umish Buyor a survor of tho Prnparty dated ofler lhe olrectivo <br />dete <br />❑(c) 6ener wlll deilver a tnre and correct copy of Sollers cx(sdnp survoy af the Properry daloe <br />Saller, el Sellera enpenae; <br />❑(i) wlll have the anleLne Sunniy rBODRXiOd on 8 d310 tto( CaIIICf that1 <br />❑ (11) Wi11 not heva the exlating survey recaNfbtl. Sellor ❑ will ❑ wlll not deliver to lhe tiUe <br />mmpany en e(fldevlt reqWr+ad by the ulle eompany for approvol oi the survey tnat _-12toc tnat <br />Sellor knows o( no chonpas or elterBtwns m the Pmperty se deplcted on tha auryoy, <br />(2) 7he eurvey requlred under peragraph 8B[1) must ba mado Dy e Reglctered Pro(eulonAl Lend <br />3urvayor accopta0le !n tha Ulle compsny, TTie eurvey must: <br />(o) idenpfy the Property 6y meMa 9nd bounds or plallod IoI doscrlpllon: <br />(b) show that the eurvey wac mede and stakod on the ground wllh cornors portnononUy marlcod; <br />(c) sot forih the dlmenslons and to1ai aree of the Property: <br />(tl) ahow the locrtion of all Improvvmonls, hIghwOys, woels, roeda, ceiIroad6, rlvers, cre91s or <br />other watorways, fences, eaaemente, dnd nghtB•o(-way on tlte Propcny wlth al1 aasoments ane <br />rlghts-of-nray roferoncod lD lholr rocorclinp Informeuon; <br />(e) ehow qny diacrepanciee or conNcLs In Doundarln6, eny ulslbie enaanchmenoc, end arry portlon <br />of the Propcrty lying !n o spociiil Aood hezerd aree (9n •A^ or'V zono as shown on lhc wrrnn! <br />Federal E.margency Manngomcnt A9ancy (FEMA) flood inaurnncB rp'ce map), end <br />cnntaln lne euryayors ceRif,cate that the aurvoy Is Irvc and corrocL <br />(YAR-1002) 2-A.02 Wllslod br Idonlihwilnn py Pvyer~, _ SeIier_ _ Popr 3 d 19 <br />~.--^..~-.-.~..-c~•.a.a~~ti-----rw-~..,,,..~.._-_.~.i.~.nwr.n,rien~u.~ir~ r~r_. ~~..w.~ntr..~c.rm <br />IMI~.vaJM( .1~41~.~w~rHyi.~..~Y~ti1+a.V. ✓~~Ir~Y~~~~~r~~rwr~.r~~rr~r, 1~1 A^ <br />to 1- y v 3 3 <br />
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