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Commereeo Gonirea - UnImDrovod Proverty Gonceminp ~7TN 9E DTRGtT YaRI:, tGIrAs <br />F3tiiynrR qp er~~on~ lo tne Commltmdnl en4 Sun+sv <br />(1) withln a dayra oner Buyor remwo6 the commilmynt, copie6 of Ihe documonts cvldonclng tnc <br />l1Ue axcoptlons, and any roqulred survey, Buyor may obiocl In Wrilmfl W motler7 diecloeeQ in tho <br />Items Ih <br />(e) the r*rettera dlccloasd con6UWte e dDfoct or onwmbranco ta tltJc otnor lhan thoso pormltted Dy <br />ihls conoract or Ilens lhat 3eller wlll satlsty al doslng or Buyer will sasume at closing; or <br />(b) th0 itOmB ehow fhgt any pnR of the PropeRy liea in e speciei nood nsserd eroo (nn 'A' or V <br />mne as defned by FEMA); <br />(Z) Soller moy, Dut is not ohiigetod Do, cure Auyer'e 4meiy objecUons wiLhin 20 doyrs after Seuer <br />receivea tne oCjections, 7tre do:lnp dete Will be oxiended ae nymssary to a,re Na oD)octlons. If <br />Seller fatls eo wre the oDJoctlons by tho Ume requlred, Ouyer miy iorminalo lhls conrmd Dy <br />prwlding vrritten notlce lo Seller wlthln 5 deye atter the tlme by which Soller muat curo the <br />objocvone. If Buyer terminetea, the eameet money, Iees eny mdepenaent considoraLOn under <br />Pzrngraph 7B(3)(3), wlll bo roiundcd l0 0uyor. <br />(3) euyere failure to 6mely abJect or termmate under lhle ParegrnAh 8~ is awa"'er of Buyera right to <br />objoct oxcopl tha[ Iiuyor will not walvo lho rcquiremonls in ScliotlWO C of the mmmitmonl. <br />7. PROPER"iY CON13fT10N: <br />❑ A. Pr'9sont Condilion (Checx (9) or (2) only.) <br />0 (1) 9uyer accepta the Property mits present'ne-ie con4ition. <br />Cl (2) Duyer accepm lho Propcrry In ib prQSOnt condillon oxcopt ►hat Sollcr, al Sollers mcponso, wili <br />complete the fWlowing 4ofore dnslnp: <br />M B. F ibii <br />(1) I]ouryrv arf Prooertv Informatlon: Wltltln T doys aftar the effocOvo dale. Suuer wlll dallvor tD <br />Ouyar the fnqrn-ing ttems to the ertent that the Iletns 9re in 5ellet'9 poese9:ition or pre reedUy <br />nveitable to Sellor. Any ILcm nol dallverad 15 doamod nol lo bo In SulloP: posso:Slon or roodily <br />avallabin to 9olle■. The IcemF Saller wIU de{irer nre: <br />~ <br />(c) mplos ot au prevlous onvlrnnmantal asseasmenls, sludles. or anelysos mede on or relBllnB to <br />tho property, <br />(e) plets of lhe Property: <br />~ : <br />(e) <br />(YAR-1007) 2•6-02 Inlllalad for Iden111"c8t10a Ly Ouyor _ Seller _ P"go 4 d iJ <br />T~ <br />3 J <br />w! _ y `i <br />