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Commertld Conlmct • unimpiovoa ProDartv Gonccm,p 47TN :6:TR66T, D0.RlS, TC%A: <br />(Z) Inspacllonp, $Wdles_ or AsscSSments, <br />(a) Withln ►o days afcer tha eHecli~o dale, Buyer, et 9uyer's oxDonsu, rtWy comploM or Cnuee <br />to bc mmplated InspccUons, studles, or assceamonls of tho Proparty. lnapections, st„dios, or <br />98qes6monls mny 1nGutle. Dut are not Ilrnlted 60' <br />(i) physlcal properpr Inspadfonr <br />(II) acanomit fcaslDlllry studiqs; <br />(ii) envlronmerrtel asao:rmarrts; end <br />(Iv) onglnoerlng studies. <br />(D) Duyor must: <br />(i) employ onlY Vemed end quellfieC Inepectare end a88ei <br />(n) noufy Sefier. In aovance. of whan lhe incpecmrs or sssessors wlll bo on lho Propcrty: <br />(ii) aDldc dy any roasonable cnlry rulos or requiromonb that Sellor mey roqviru; <br />(Iv) not Intortoro wdh existinp operEtlona or oocupenta of the PropeRy; end <br />(v) reatore the Property to ifa ortginql contlllion V Altered due W InapecLOng, etudies. or <br />acsessments that Duyor complolos or causos to Do wmpletBd <br />(c) Exoept (or those met2Brs that erlee from the negllgence of 9eller or Seuare agants, Buyer Is <br />respDnsible ior eny clalm, Ilabi6ty, encumbnnce, cauee oF edion, and expcnsn rvsulilnp from <br />Buyeft Inspocllons, studles, or asaessmonts, Includlnp any proporty damagc or personel Injury. <br />Buyer wlil Indomni(y, nolQ hartnloae, anC defend Sellar and 9eAera apants egainal ery cleirn <br />invoiving e matler for whlch Buyer ia roaporulblc undor tnls persqropn. This parsgrapn survlvos <br />torminallon of thla conhact. <br />(3) ~aS~I~t)lltV Porlod pndBltl~p~1A' Buyor may lartninato Ihis mntr3ct for any rcason withln <br />0o dgyd aftr the eHedlve datp by proviClnp Seilrfr wlth wringn notlr,e of tertninnLon. If <br />Buyer does not terminate wKhm the tlmo reqwred, Buyer aaepL^ tne Propcrty in ds prcacn[ "as Is' <br />conGldon wilh any repeira Seller ia oClieated to completn under thia convacl. (Check only one <br />Dax). <br />m(o) If Huyer termineEec undor lhls PerBgreph 79(3), Ihe gHmoet money wdl be refunded ho Buyer <br />lass g + oou oo that Seller witl reteln ec Indepentlent coneiCereUon for Buyera righl to <br />tortnlnato. Duyor has tendered tho independont considoratlon to Sallor upon payment of tho full <br />emourrt epecRied in Paregraph 5 to the eacraw a9anL T1ie Independent coneidereGon Is to Da <br />crodded lu the setea prlce only upon Gocing of lho snle <br />p(b) 9uyer hae paid Seller $ ss independent conaiderabon m. evyefc neht to <br />tartninete by tendering such omounl direcuy In Seiler ar Seqers agenl If Buyer tnrminatas <br />under thls Paragraph 78(3), lho oamcst money wili bc rofunded to Buyor and Sollcr wlll rotaln <br />Iha Indepeneent mnsidorallon TTa indapandont consi0eretion O win p wiil not he cretllted <br />b ihe sales prlco upon closing of tho salo. <br />(4) RetUf(1 0r ProDg11Y inf0r~(r: I( thlc conlfOCt [OrminOlU: for eny recson, 0uyer wltl, not later ltion <br />10 dayc oRcr lAc Inrtnlnation datc: rclum l0 5ellor all lhosa Iloms doscrlbod In Paragraph 70(1) <br />(hat Seller delNered l4 Buyer on0 ell coplee thet Buyer mado of thoQO Items: end (II) dolivor copios <br />of all Inspodfon and asseaement reports (excluding economic fooslblllty sWdles) relatod to lno <br />Property tnaf Buyar mmplotod or c.eused to be complated- Thie P9rngrHDh 78(a) F,urvwnA <br />leminal;on of Ihls contraCl. <br />(5) Concrecls ANeclinp OeoraUpns: Atter Buyefe ripM to lertnlnett under 73(3) ezpire9, 3eller mey not <br />cntcr Into, amond, or torminete eny olhor mnltacl thal a( Ihe operellons of lha Property wllhout <br />Buyer'a prlor wrfticn aDVroval, <br />(1nH-19042•p.n2 Inqipi..d lo, iati,UncMi- by DureI ~nr Sello' reoo 5 d 13 <br />fr.w.r-~'►...~~.-..~.rmq.pu.~~~. ~.~..i.~..~~.r~a <br />1'-.~~.nruYL~.~~F1Y~Nb.~nbdlLL+N.~.~/Yn1 II~ti~MY~MA.~~YA~~Y~Y~Y.~.T.~iIL\G IA~ ~~01 WW <br />