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09-Move to approve changing zoning
City Council
Agenda Packets
11 November
09-Move to approve changing zoning
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11/6/2009 4:06:19 PM
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CrmmprzJpl Conln~d - Unlmpro~e0 ~`fOpenfy C~aceminp aTTHBG [TRGR. PARIS, TS1L4: <br />At do6ing, SellBr, Bt 59119r6 BKpCR30, WIIt dI3D d9liver. <br />(1) tnr etetemanL showing no dcllnquurit taxeg on the PropcRy; <br />(2) 3n aaaipnmerrt of all Inaaes to or on (hq Propprty, <br />(3) lo the o-Alcrn ac,vlgnable, an asslpnmant ln Huyer of any Ilccnaoa ond pormita roleted to lho <br />Propcny; <br />(4) trvldonco thet tha person e:ectitin9 {h13 conVBCI Is IeAqlly CBpAble and 2uthortzed to bind S6110r, <br />and <br />(S) any noUcos, stnloments, corti(ioetea, anldavlts, rclcosoz. nnd othar documenla reQvired by thla <br />mntmd, the oommltmont, or Iow necn6s8ry for the closing of the :alo and L::.uanco of lAo tiuo <br />paucy, an af which muai be cromplotod Dy Seuer ea ngce:$ary. <br />D. At doslne, BuyOrwill: <br />(1) pay tna .alea pricci in good Nnds actepleblc lo the oecrow apent <br />(2) de6ver evldenoe that the person oxeculing this aonlract Is la0nfly copnDlo ond outhor¢ed to Dmd <br />Buyer; end <br />(3) exncule end delner any notlocs, stalemants, cartificplen, ar rnhor docummts roQulred Dy thLs <br />wntrHCr or lew neoCssary to Gaso the sele <br />E. Unieae the panles agroo olhorwlae, the cloeing documonLs wn1 bo ns found In the besic lorme in the <br />current edttlon of the Sbsto Bar o( 7oxas Roal Estete Forme Menual without any addltfonal dousas. <br />10_ POSSE88lDnt: 6eUer win dallver poseeasion o( the Properry ta 9uyer upon dosing and fundlnp of thLS <br />saie m ite prcsont mndltlon wlth ony repalre 9aIler le obllpetotl tD completa under thie conlract ordlnary <br />wcar and taar "ceptetl. Unlll Gosing, 9cllor wlll operats the Prapcrry in tho sama mannor ar on tho <br />el'fectrve Qato. Any posses6lon by Buyar be(ore closlng or Dy Seller aRer doeing lhet is no[ authortzod by a <br />separate wrlacn leasc 8grcomant Is a landlord-tenpnf at sufloranw rolouonahlp becween the partlee. <br />11. 8PECinL PROVIStONS: (IOonfi/y cxhlblt llspedv/ provisione ero contalnodln an artachmont.) <br />' tI YNF;rALti ►mCGWaLBit C4L CULASL'O ON TNG SA61L 0F 1116,00uD0 VGRJURvGYGO ►CRF TNGFIq IG A U► OI S770 CD0.OO TOTAL ' <br />p1J11CM1116 r}lICY ON TMQ GLG IP THK tOTAI OIIRVCYED ACRIM 1t LaE6 TMAN 4.00 AChp, SME iALEE ►RiCE 1MLl DE IIEDUC[0 TO <br />itC.ooa.o0 VEa ~cwL Ir THc rtrrwL auilvcYiD AcllE& I. M011ETWW Y= ACRE4617T LOG:7NI1N 43d0 AGRlG, TNG FALC VRlca <br />WILl99LT]0,009A0. U TNC 107A1 SLN1/CYED AGNCS I[ DRGATFR Tf{qN 41.60 YCAE7, TNE IIGLIDI OR Gl1VGR VJILL NaVC TMGOp'TION <br />af GNCGILWP THtg G9NTMG7. <br />21 TH6:el.LERwNO BuYER AONEE THAT TH4H COMMCT MAY 9B 6YCCUrEO IN COUNiFRFARTG: AND A PI1IY0 COhr OF q~q1JATURL <br />Of GACM PATY TO 7M6 CONTItACT ►RE6lNTED i0 7M6 TrtLF GOMVANY WILL BE BINbINO AS 6S6CIfTION N16n60f. <br />12. SALC3 EXPEN6ES: <br />A. Sctlcrs Expensop; Solicr wlll pay for the touowing at or betoro dosing: <br />(1) rcloases of eucletln0liene, olher,lhnn tPioso Ilens assumed Cy Buyor, induding propaymcnt ponaWes <br />and icoorQlnp feos; <br />(2) roloaea of Senera Ioan Ilabllfry, It appllcabla; <br />(3) tex naticmonu or annl0catcs, <br />(a) preDOratlon of the deod: <br />(5) one-half of any e9crvw fee; <br />(B) costs lo record any dowmanLs to cu2 utlc obloalona that Sollor must curo; antl <br />(7) othnr expennee thel Seller wlll pey undor otAor proviaion6 Qf NIs conb-eicl, <br />(TnR-tll)02) 2-e.a2 In4laiso 1br benUllcallon by Buyer(wue. , aago 7 d 13 <br />_ -.~.w..~~. ~...+w~..~rtir.n. im..n....I:.. ~.i ~w ~u.i in c+~. o-"' r..h. ~wr~~i ~ <br />!+11 ✓ v V 4f / <br />
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