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Commemnl ConuaR . Uromprowd Prvperry Cancammg 477N 9E 7TpGR. ioRiS 7OUG <br />Bwyr's ,3pan6AS: 9uyor wlll pBy for Iha fouowinp 8t or before dosing! <br />(1) ell loon exponscs ((or oKUmplc, appilcatian (oos. originalbn foos, Uiacount looa euyeow, (aoe, <br />commitmeM foos, appraieal fees, ansumptJon focs, recording fecs, ta= aarvice fses, mongageo tlue <br />Da~icy eYpeneea, credit rwport lees, aocvmem DreDArnUon (eee, intorest expenca thal Buyors lendor <br />roqulre6 Buyor tp pay at dosinp, loan releted Inspecllon toos, emortlzatlon schadulo foas, couner <br />faes, underwnUng faee, wire hanefer teos, end olhef foe9 t9qulred hy 9uyere Iender); <br />(2) prcparatlon of any dood o( trust; <br />(3) reC9tding fee9 fnr the Ceed end 8ny deed of iniR1; <br />(a) premlums frn Aood insuranco as may De repulraa Dy Ouysr's londor; <br />(5) on&-haif of ony eccrow ino; <br />(B) oopy and dehvery teea tor delrvery of the tlUe commRmont end relatod docvmenua, end <br />(T) otticr oxponsos tna[ Duyer wlll pay undor oLha prvvialons of thls contract. <br />17. PRORATIONS, ROLLDACK TAXES, RENT, AkD DEPOSIT3: <br />A P~LQII~: <br />(1) Inlarost on ony ossumod loan, Inxos, ronte, ond any expenso relmbursomcnis Iram tcnonls w14 bo <br />pmratod thmupn the closlnp dato. <br />(2) If lhe amount ol eq volorsm lexos for the year m which 11ia sele cloces Is not nvaltaGlc on tho <br />cioslnp dalo_ kzixos wlll hu prorated on tho 6asls o( laxes aasessed in Iho prokilous yeer. If lha (axos <br />for iho year In whlch thc sulc doses vary 6nm tho amounL proramd at dosfng. Iho partae wlll adjust <br />lhs prorntlone wAan the teY pletamonta (or tAe yeer in whlch lhe aele cJoses bemme ovoilaDle Thls <br />Parapraph 19A(2) survlvos dosing. <br />(3) if 6uyor auumes a loan or le mk1ng fho Property nub)oct m an r_xisling Ilon, 9eiler wltt lrxnafer ati <br />rnsorvo doposlLs hold by thc londer for tho poymont of taxos. Insuranco promiums, and ot►+er <br />. Ch8ng66 ln BuyOraLUO51ng OndDUys[ wiil rulmburce suth umounts 10.5ollor by in approprlalo <br />edf uetment pt cJOBinB• <br />0. Rgljoa k TaYnP: If Seller changea the uea of lhe Propcrty batoro closing or It e denlai of a apsciei <br />oaluellon an the PrppeRy cleimed dy Soller reauila in lhe neceeement of eddlUOnei taxos, penalUos, or <br />inoorost (a:sossmonts) ►or perlods Deforo dacing, tho assassmonts wlli Do thc obllpation or tho Seilor. <br />It thle eale or 9uyer6 u6e of the Property atter Gosing reeui49 in eddltlonal eaeeeaments for pehoas <br />flaforo cloamg, lno pssossmonis wlll Do lhe obl{gahon of BIJy9r. TNs Fer»graph 136 survlvas Uosing. <br />C. Rent ei'l!i SQ uri pagoelfa: At rJnsing, Seller wiIl tandor to Duya eiI aecvrlry depoei4 and Ihe <br />tonowing eQvanoe peymorrte received by Seller for pehode attar cloamg: prepeiC oxponeas, udvonce <br />rontal peymonta, end othor etlvanco perments paid by tonenta. Ronls prorated to ono pnrty 6u1 <br />irceivod by ttic uthnr pnrty wlll be rcmltted by I1ic rcclplonl to thc party lD wham Il was proralod withln 5 <br />daye efter Ne rent la rcceived. Thie neraqreph 13C aurvlvcs closlnfl. <br />14, CONdEN{NA'T10N; If beiore doeln0, oondemnellon proceedinga ere commenced eg»Inat any peA of 11re <br />Proporty, 0uyer muy: <br />A. iorminalo tnfs contracl by prvvlCinfl wHtlen noUco to Soilor wlthln 15 dayn aflor r3uycr ia advlncd o( tho <br />cdndemnation prooeedings and tho oarncst monoy, loss ony Indapendnn! considcrflllon pa1C under <br />pameraDh 7131(3)(a), wlll be refundod oo Ouyer, or <br />8. appear and de(end In the condemnation prooeedinge end any awerd wi11, nt 9uyers elccilon, Dotonp lo: <br />(1) Seller Bnd tbe aelee price will be rotluced 6y tho aeme emounl; or <br />(2) Buyer end the aalos pr'ce will not be rcducca. <br />(TAR-i BOI) 7-R02 IPlllebd lot IdCnllfic3lion by f3uyq, RP_~lli« Pzipa 8 of I] <br />f~+-~~r~\••~M~1~Ow~ IwwJ~~Iw~~•~.R ~WOMhV W~~i. W~.I~ML.1~1 W..~1• (~T~~rK ~~Mw~O ~~W111~R~10 <br />.u~~~YN..(~~wI~MI~n~~..~✓i.y~wy~ ~rrr...r.y~ Y~w.+~~r-++..~.+i~~Vub+rV.T~IV~C 1111 r^ <br />~ ~ _ <br />~ rn~ <br />y L V <br />M. <br />v <br />