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GomrovMpi Contrap Unimya~ea Propeny Ga+ccm~no ~TN a6 ~TRFR~ >ortr, texo~ <br />15. LIEFAULT: <br />A. lf C3uyar (nlls to mmply wllh lhls contrZel, 9uyer Is in tlefeult end Scllcr tnay: <br />(1) termineca lhie oorrtrnd gnd maelve the eameat monay ae ilquideted damogea. Noroby rcloesinp the <br />paRios hom thla contract; or <br />( <br />B. If, wpmout fou4, Seller Is uneblt wlthtn the tlmc atlowea ro dellVer ihe commhmnnt, 9uyer mey <br />(1) bermineso Ihis conlr8cl 6nd recelve the aqmest money, les,a any InOOpondent conslderaUon untlor <br />ParaQraph 78(3)(a), as tho -.olc romady, or <br />(Z) gxlond the tlme tnr pertorm8nce up to 'IS dey4 ond the doamg wdl ba e-clended se necessory <br />C Fxcept se provided in PeraBnmvn 158, if Seliar FaUS 1o mmDlY With lhiy cor,tmcL Seller le In defeuil pnd <br />f3uyer nar. <br />(1) terminele Ihls mntraC end recelve the aemest money, less arty independenl conaidereiion under <br />P'araOraDh 78(3)(a), as Ilquldatod damapos, thareDy releacfnp tho paitJaa from lhlc canUact or <br />(2) entorce apeclflc pertormenco, or aeek euch othe< <elle} ss rnay be onorvided by iew, or both. <br />16. A7TORNEY'S FEES: If FJuynr, Soller, nny Drolopr, ar erry eacrow egent IB e pre~eillne peRy in gny lep0l <br />proceedlnp brought under or wtth retatlon to thls contmd or thls lransadlon, such perry le enllUod to <br />rocovor (rom tno non-prvwalllng paRlas WI costt dt auch prooeadlna and roasonoble atWmoy's fves. This <br />PeragrapA 16 survlvea tgrtnlnBtlan af thla cortbad. <br />17. ESCROW: <br />P. Al dodne, the eamest money wlll ho epptied firet m any cash down DaYmenl, then to Buyefs doslnp <br />coels, and any oxcosa wlll be rorundod lo Duyor. <br />_B. I1iboTh perti98 rnako .wrihan.demand for lhc eamest rnoncy, e-,crvw egent mey rcqu]re peymsnt or . <br />unpnld n=Oonses Ina,rtod on bchali of tho paNos end a wnqnn rnleasn of IlaDlllty o( escrow aBent from <br />311 partios. <br />C. I( one perty mekes wrlUsn damand (or the eemeat money, eecruw egent wlit glYe nouoo a( the demand <br />by Drovldinp to the other perty a copy o( the domand. II eacrow ggent dces not receive wripen obiacUon <br />!o Uo demand from the olher party wllhin 30 deya allsr the dale ascrow egan( aonl tho demand lo lho <br />other perty, eecroW aAant may diabur'e the cameat money to tho paRy makinp demend, reduced by <br />the emounl of unpald ezpensea Inarrad on behatf of the p6rty recciving lnb oamest monoy 3nd osaow <br />agont may pay tho symc ro the cradilon. <br />❑ Esaow agent wui deduct eny Indopendonf wnelaerntlon undor Paragrapri 7B(3)(3) Do(oro dtsburslnp <br />any eamcsl money ho buyer and wftl pay tho InOOpandanl cont{deration lo Sellor. <br />E. If escrow apem wmpllos with tnls Paragroph 17, oacn pany horoby rcioasos osavw agortt from all <br />UaIm6 rolaled la lhe dlSDursai of Iho oornosl money. <br />F No6cea under this PareBrDph 17 must Ge e9rtt hy ceAified mail, retum recnipi rnqusntad Noticee so <br />escmw apont ere efiocUve upon recclpt Dy oeunw agonL <br />18. MA7FRIAL FAGTS: <br />n To the beel cA Soliora knowloCge and bcliot; (Chodk (i) or (2) aMy.) <br />(TAR- IB= 28O2 IMUaIeAbr benUhfaUOn DyBuyerk _ :eller-_ Ps0o9W 13 <br />...~..-~..r+~- ' '-a~o~w.~~i....qwr.r+~ r....u-.r.-..w, i« n.. e,wral+~•urin e...-~.n..•e~-~^`+..+ae.eour~~~s~ <br />4F+~--/ ~r~.~~wb.u~-.ti ..~~~~u.`~~YMr...~i1n.~.~~~[.1• M~vla~ <br />n. <br />~ A ~J J <br />