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09-Move to approve changing zoning
City Council
Agenda Packets
11 November
09-Move to approve changing zoning
Entry Properties
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CommercJal GMlretl - Unlmptbvod Prnperty COncamrpp If'TN 8E BiRGET. ilNt6 7CiAL <br />0(1) Sclicr ls not awero of eny mafenal detocts 10 ihc ProDCrty oxcoDl as statod In tho allacncd Proporly <br />CondlbOn StalomOnt. <br />M (2) Soilor le noI ewsro crf eny o( tho following, oxccpt as dnsorlbod olhen.vi9o in thl3 conlred <br />(P) Rny 5UDSU1fACd: 3U11C1l1I'03, piCS, wnate, apnnps, or lmprovemente; <br />(b) nny ponding or4hrmteFled IlUgation, condemnatlon, orassnssmCnt oftcctlnp tho Proporty: <br />(c) any cnWronmentnl Razarde or aondRbna thnt wRca tne Proporty; <br />(d) whether the Proyerty le or has ovor boon uaod for !he eEorepe or dtaporal oi hazorUouc <br />matortals or tnxlc waate, a tlump alte or iandflll, or any underground tank: or wnWlnors, <br />(e) whether redon, anCeatoa Ineulatlan or (ir9proaMp, uree-fom,aidohrde ioam lnsulatlon; Icod- <br />bascd palnt, imclc motd (lo the extent thei it eewrcoly etfccts Ihe hoallh of wdlnary ocoupants). <br />or olher pollutants or cantaminqntc of any naturc now axl:t or a,cr axlsted on iho Property; <br />(0 whethar wednnd5, eB 49fined Dy loaeral or alate Iwv or reguiation, nre on ihe Property; ana <br />(g) whclAor lhrealenod or ondongored epeclee or their nabltal aro an 1no Proporty. <br />(Dnacnhe ynyarCOpfiong fo (e)-(J) In Parapraph 11 arqn addendurn.) <br />8. Each wntten lease Seller Is to (umish !0 9uyer under thie aontract musi bo In full (arce and eHect <br />eccordlne to ~(e terme wllhout amcndment or modlflceUOn tnet ia ncri dlscloscd co Duycr In wriUna. <br />Sellcr must aiacloce, In wrdmg, to euyer R any of the following axist at tne Gme Seller prwldee the <br />ieasee lo Duyor or subsequanuy occur bekre doalne. <br />('I) tny modlflrallonr, amandmenQf, or d0f8ul[ by IandlOrfl or IDnant Untler the leeEes; <br />(2) " iailure Gy Sellor m cpmply wlUi Sollors oDligetlorre under (he loanea; <br />(3) any clrcumaLlncee under !ho lease (hat entitlo the tonanl l0 tcrminela lhe leaso or seek any offaeu9 <br />or dema8ee; <br />(d) any norroccupancy of tAo leased premisea by e tenent; <br />(5) arry adwnce suma peld Dy e tenenl undcr Lho leaso; <br />(6) any canoet8lone, bonubeC, irpe rpnts, roGalOS, bilokorcpe oc>mmibeione, or other mpltern thqt A(}oCt <br />any leasa; and <br />_(T.Lerty emounta peyeGl6 under.lhe leesee thzithava boon asslpned ar eneumbered, sxmpt e,2vecu•rty <br />lor ban(s) aasumod or laken subJect tn under ihir conirad. <br />19. NOTIGES: All notlcos botwoon the panlec under thls cnnpvct muat be In writing and aie af►ec3Jva whon <br />nand-delivered, meded by ccttiliod mall rehum recolpt roquoslod, or sent by facBfmile transmisaion to 1he <br />partles addrecbos or facelmlle numDers etaled tn Pnnprsph 1. Tho panlec wlll send mpieB of eny noGooa <br />lo tho broker mpresonling lho party to whom the noticea ere sent <br />20. FEDERAL TAX REQUIREMEIVT: If $eIIOr in e"(o►olpn ponon' as do(Ined Dy appucablo law, or R Seller <br />falle m dolMer at dosing an afl7davll thel Saller is not a(orei0n pareon, then Buyor wlll wlthnold Gom tne <br />selea proceeda e1 daamg eny emount sufl7clont lo comply with applicOblo taa lew and dellver the nmount <br />wllhhold W Ihe Inlemal Revenue Servlce (IRS), tagolhcr wllh appivpriate Lvc fortns. IRS repuietlortr <br />requlre fiiinp wrtpen reporte If currency In cxcess of s pOCl119d Orttounts la rsCelved in ft18 heneAClion. <br />21. DISPUTE RESOIUTION- 7he partics eflrco to nepotlale in pood tnith in qn eHnrt to reeolva any disputc <br />rol$ted to Nls cantroa Inat rnay ar1so. If U,o diepute cannot 6e raeolved Dy negoliaUon, tne parllos wul <br />suDmll lho dlapute to medletlon before rsaoAing lo e►Lllratlon or Illigatlon and wlll oaually share Ihe wsta of <br />p mtr(ually nccopt9ble medla(0r. 7n13 pzrJpr2pri survltroc lertninetlon o( lhls contracL Tnl■ par2eraPh dooa <br />nol prcdudc a perty from seeklnp eqult»Dle reliei Irom a couR of competent jurlsdlctlon <br />22. AGREEMENT OF 7ME PAR7IES: <br />A This conVacl is Dinding on tho portiee. Iholr heirn, eaectAors, ropresentaUvcs, sucwswrs, ona <br />pcrmiRed ass{flns. <br />(fnR-1002) 2d-02 WtVlocl lor ldanLflGaUon Dy BvypI Prpe 10 of 13 <br />T- <br />~..r+~~ r~+~ ti..~r w.~+~ A. IPV OW ~OI IW 1111ui11 1~01 lL 11 ~ ~~.-r.~-~~YOt~O11RC11m <br />.~.-.rr~...~[w~i~4~~.11~r~.►dr1.r~JY~•~r~iw. LL-A~~~r..+.r.~r~~.~.r~~-~~.~~.~~U.LCI~D~ r~~ Ml~ <br />„ 4~ <br />
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