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09-Move to approve changing zoning
City Council
Agenda Packets
11 November
09-Move to approve changing zoning
Entry Properties
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COmmcrc191 COQlIMG1. Unlmpravod P10pB(b COnGenlinq <nNnC:TRPaT o►ptI.TEM+ <br />g. 1'"r,ia contract la lo be cortstrued in acicortlanco wlth tho lawa of tne 9Lale ct Tou+s. <br />C. 7TIs ronIIad CoMAina tho cntire a0i'eemnnt of ihe DArt+ep and may not be chanpcd excupl In wriltmg. <br />0. If Nls mntrad la exocutcd m b numDOr of idon1icol counlorparis, each counlerpart in en orlginel and aII <br />courRerperts, collecUvely, con3ttlule one e0reemont. <br />E. Duyer 60 may ❑ may nol arslpn fhla contract I( Duyor eaeigns thlc contrect, euyor wlll Do rouovcd <br />ol ony fuWre Gabdity unGer thla CanUt]C[ only I( tha eselgneo atsumea, in wrl0np, nn obligatbns and <br />IiaDWb of Buyer undor ihla conlraQ. <br />F Addanda whlch ere pan of lhls contract are: (CJiock e11 thet apPlY•) <br />o('t) Grnperty Dscariptlan Fxhibd idenUflcG tn ParnT++Ph Z: <br />OD (2) Financing A1ldandum; <br />QI (3) Commarclal Proporty Condillon 3latomonk <br />❑(4) Natica tn Purchascr of Reel Property !n a Water Dislna (MUD); <br />0 (5) Addondum for CoaeUal Aroa Properb; <br />❑(8) Addondum tor Propouty Locetstl Semvard oi the C3olf Intracdastal Weterwey: <br />❑(T) Addendum for UnImproved PrvpoAy In e Cenlficalod Servlce Aroa of a UUllry Serv+ca Prnvider; Bcd <br />❑ (8) <br />fnrola; Cnunuor Rv fM ferss 4.aoocvUun ol REJtLTORSV (TAI71 iwa Oerormmpo moi any d ms roropdnp baeridum whicA <br />xro yomuiporod ey N+e Trrm Roei f.aralo CommfWOn (IREC) o• punn:ned Dy TAR arr ppp^VA•rs rw w• -lifh uw rom,J <br />29.11ME Tlme Is of the assenco In thls rrmlrecL T'he pertos roqulrC strid oomplianco wlln lhe timos tor <br />pcrfom,anoo If tho laet day to perlbrm under w pruvislon olf thia mnaact 1311e on a SnlwdeY. Sundey, or <br />{egai noildey, the tlrtw For porformance Is cxtcnded unUi itie end of tho ne=t aay whlch i9 not a Salurdvy, <br />Sunday, or lepel hdlday. _ <br />24 EFFECTIVE DATE: Th9 el`fodivc d3te of thls oonWGt for tho purpoee of pariormance of nll obllgalions is <br />the dnto the nenow eponl rocolplR thin contirad .3her a11 paAlos excwto Ihls cnnlracl <br />25. ADOITIONaL No71CE8: <br />A 8uycr shouid have an ehstraei cwerinp Iho Propeety examinetl by an atlomey of Buyera eelad,on, or <br />Buyer anould bo fumiahed wlih or obmin s 118e poilcy. <br />B. If the Ptopetly is 31Weted In a utlllty or other staWtorliy vseMtl dlstrlcL prwiCmg wntcr, sawer, dm(nape, <br />or flood wntrot tt►cilitiea and soMceo. Chapter 49, 7e=es Wolor Codc, re4uiroa Sollcr to dollvor and <br />guyer to nlpn (ha ststutory nollcc releline !o tho tac mlc, bondod maeDtodncaa, or a1and0y loeB af tho <br />dlavia Defore finei wcecuQon of tnls r.ontract <br />C If tho Property Is nol loariad wllMn a munlclpelltys Ilmits or A municipnl uUtity diatnd (MUD) and 1e <br />iocatad In 3 ccltlAcated servlcc area of a uDlily sarvlce provider (a utillty, a weter wpply or sewer <br />aervloo wrporation, or nspeclal utilib tllatrld oryanlzvd end opcroting undor Cheptar 65, weter Codc). <br />§19.257, weler Godc reQuirse Soller to deuver a noUcc rcparding the utully servlce prvrider lo Duyer. <br />0. If Uc Property adjoins or eheree a mmmon boundary wlth tho IJdally InRUenced suhmorUed lanes of the <br />sLate, §33135 oP tho Toxne Nelural Rcsouroea Code roqulrea a notica reparding ooaet»I ema prvDartY <br />to Do lncluded ea pert o( thls cflntrecL <br />Rna-i eoz) 2-4-02 Iniiaiad id Iden110(slim OY 9uVcr <br />~~~►~'.i.r~r^~~"~W.~a.w-~-~-~rr~....1~.~1~11vti+~r~~.nranlW)~Ea~M~~n cT~rCw~r~ria~✓~.rr[~~Op <br />E" - - - 4 "L <br />
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