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"Sec.34-156 Definitions <br />For the purposes of this Plan, the following definitions shall apply: <br />(a) Aesthetic water use. Water use for ornamental or decorative purposes such as <br />fountains, reflecting pools, and water gardens. <br />(b) Commercial and institutional water use. Water use which is integral to the <br />operations of commercial and non-profit establishments and governmental entities <br />such as retail establishments, hotels and motels, restaurants, and office buildings. <br />(c) Conservation. Those practices, techniques, and technologies that reduce the <br />consumption of water, reduce the loss or waste of water, improve the efficiency in <br />the use of water or increase the recycling and reuse of water so that a supply is <br />conserved and made available for future or alternative uses. <br />(d) Customer. Any person, company, or organization using water supplied by City of <br />Paris. <br />(e) Domestic water use. Water use for personal needs or for household or sanitary <br />purposes such as drinking, bathing, heating, cooking, sanitation, or for cleaning a <br />residence, business, industry, or institution. <br />(fl Even number address. Street addresses, box numbers, or rural postal route <br />numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 and locations without addresses. <br />(g) Industrial water use. The use of water in processes designed to convert materials <br />of lower value into forms having greater usability and value. <br />(h) Landscape irrigation use. Water used for the irrigation and maintenance of <br />landscaped areas, whether publicly or privately owned, including residential and <br />commercial lawns, gardens, golf courses, parks, and rights-of-way and medians. <br />(i) Non-essential water use. Water uses that are not essential nor required for the <br />protecrion of public, health, safety, and welfare, including: <br />(1) irrigarion of landscape areas, including parks, athletic fields, and golf <br />courses, except as otherwise provided under this Plan; <br />(2) use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane <br />or other vehicle; <br />(3) use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking <br />lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas; <br />(4) use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other <br />than immediate fire protection; <br />