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(5) flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in any gutter <br />or street; <br />(6) use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming <br />pools or Jacuzzi-type pools; <br />(7) use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes <br />except where necessary to support aquatic life; <br />(8) failure to repair a controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period after <br />having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s); and <br />(9) use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other <br />purposes other than fire fighting. <br />(j) Odd numbered address. Street addresses, box numbers, or rural postal route <br />numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. <br />(k) Person. A term including individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, <br />companies, organizations, or other legal entity. <br />(1) Retail Water Customer. A water customer of the City of Paris (as that person is <br />defined herein) that utilizes the water purchased from the City for its own purposes <br />and does not supply water to another person or entity for resale for human <br />consumption. <br />"Sec. 34-157 Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response <br />Stages <br />General <br />The City Manager or his authorized designee will monitor water supply <br />and/or demand conditions to determine when conditions warrant initiation or <br />termination of each stage of the Plan. The City Manager or designee may decide not <br />to order the implementation or termination of a drought response stage or water <br />emergency even though one or more of the trigger events for a stage are met. <br />Factors that could influence such a decision include, but are not limited to, the time <br />of year, weather conditions, the anticipation of replenished water supplies, or the <br />anticipation of potential changed conditions that warrant the continuation of the <br />drought stage. <br />The triggering criteria described below are based on an analysis of rainfall <br />data, lake capacities and historical drought conditions, and information from the <br />Drought Contingency Plan for Pat Mayse Lake as prepared by the Department of the <br />Army, Tulsa District of the Corps of Engineers. <br />The USGS and Corps of Engineers electronically monitor levels in Lake Crook <br />and Pat Mayse Lake respectively. <br />4 <br />