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WATER COti'SERVATION PLAN <br />FOR THE <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />SUMMARY <br />The City of Paris currently serves a population over 26,000 residents <br />and is expected to grow approximately 34,000 residents by 2050 based on <br />projections provided by Texas Water Development Board planning data. <br />The current service area directly served by the City of Paris is 38.12 square <br />miles. In addition to the residents of Paris, the City also wholesales treated <br />water to two other water supplies: Lamar County and Marvin-Jennings- <br />Clardy Water Supplies. <br />Water is furnished by a single water treatment plant originally built <br />in 1967 and last expanded in 1995 to a current water capability of 36 million <br />gallons per day. All water is treated from two reservoirs: Pat Mayse Lake <br />with a maximum diversion of 55 million gallons per day and Lake Crool: <br />with a maximum diversion of 10.7 million gallons per day. This total water <br />right diversion of 65.7 million gallons per day is expected to be more than <br />adequate to meet future growth in population and industry for both the City <br />and the county well into the 21s' century. <br />This Water Conservation Plan has been developed to protect these <br />water resources and extend their useful life to insure a sufficient water <br />supply is available to provide for all anticipated, and even unexpected, water <br />demands of the future. In order to implement the basic elements of this Plan, <br />it is necessary to examine current water use practices, educate the public <br />about water use reduction and/or efficient water usage patterns and establish <br />methodologies for achieving these goals. This Plan identifies several water <br />conservation goals and explains those areas where potential water <br />conservation can be achieved. <br />Conservation can have the major benefit of reducing overall water <br />demand resulting in a delay of the need for expenditures for treatment plant <br />expansion or acquisition of additional raw water rights. Much of the <br />information contained herein is required by the Texas Commission on <br />Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Water Conservation Plans. Additional <br />information included is specific to the City of Paris water supply and <br />treatment system and local usage pattern and necessity. <br />Utilitv Survev <br />The initial phase of developing a conservation plan is dependent on <br />the results of a utility survey. This survey is a comprehensive profile of <br />water usage patterns by customer type and covers a period of the previous <br />five years. Data from the survey was used in a calculating technical data for <br />determination of future water conservation goals. <br />2 ilr G <br />