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Water Conservation Methods <br />The City of Paris Water Conservation Plan includes the following <br />conservation methods: <br />1. Public education; <br />2. Conservation oriented rate structure; <br />3. Universal metering, meter testing, repair and replacement, <br />identification of illegal connections; <br />4. Leak detection and repair; <br />5. Water conserving landscaping (Xeriscaping); <br />6. Plumbing retrofit and new construction; <br />7. Recycling and reuse; <br />8. Water system auditing; <br />Each conservation method is described in the following subsections. <br />1. Public Education: <br />The success of any water conservation program is dependent upon an <br />informed public. Customers must have an awareness of the needs for water <br />conservation and have l:nowledge of how to contribute to the plan. The <br />public education program must provide information to as many users as <br />possible as an understandable and effective instrument. Components of the <br />program include items such as distribution of water conservation literature, <br />public service announcements, water conservation speakers at schools, and <br />service organizations and special events and promotions. Several fine water <br />conservation documents are available from the Texas Water Development <br />Board (TWDB) on water saving measures that can be used both inside and <br />outside the home, plumbing fixture retrofitting, xeriscaping and several <br />other conservation practices. <br />The City of Paris Utilities Department has obtained and distributed <br />these documents over the past few years to schools, civic groups and the <br />general public. The Utilities Department will continue to provide such <br />information on an on-going basis and attempt to reach as many customers as <br />possible to further increase public awareness of water conservation. The <br />Utilities Department is also very active in promoting public participation in <br />Water Utilities Awareness during National Drinking Water Week in 1VIay of <br />each year. National Drinl:ing Water Week offers tours of the treatment <br />plant, participation by schools and youth clubs, public service <br />announcements and Utilities personnel are guest speakers to schools, civic <br />groups and other meetings in promoting utilities awareness and <br />conservation. Water conservation literature can also be made available at <br />147 <br />