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Form 2336 <br />(oaios) <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Project Measurement: <br />(Insert narrative below) <br />Project Number:I <br />(For TxDOT use only) <br />Our SRTS Master Plan includes data that wiil provide the baseline for our project measurement. Student and parent <br />survey results regarding real and perceived obstacles to active transportation as well as data pertaining to current <br />travel modes were documented. Additionally, traffic citation and crash data were compiled. <br />Evaluation strategies outlined in our Master Plan include: record police department statistics regarding <br />enforcement of traffic laws and number of crashes; record number of students walking/biking to school through <br />student surveys and counts by volunteers on a random basis; record number of vehicles in drop off and pick up <br />areas; measure student physical fitness levels before and after implementation of Plan; record parent perceptions <br />of safety; and, provide opportunities for police and parent comment on progress of program. <br />The process of developing a SRTS Master Plan brought together members from different factions of our community. <br />Partnerships were developed with Paris ISD,Think Child Safety, Friends of the Trail de Paris, Crockett Middle School <br />PTO(parent group) and several governmental entities. <br />Our Action Plan incorporates strategies in each of the 5 E's. Each component in itself requires measurement and <br />evaluation to some degree. it will be the responsibility of the SRTS Team to monitor the progress of each <br />component and make adjustments as necessary to ensure overall success. For example, Paris ISD will request and <br />evaluate feedback on SRTS-related curriculum presented to students and parents. Then, education and <br />encouragement components may need modification based upon responses received. <br />Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) <br />Infrastructure Project Application <br />F ~ r <br />