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CnmmorClPi COntnla - Unlmprp1,90 t'rOWnly C�ntemine •77N SG CTRGLT. PARIS, Tt1tA� <br />At dosing, Seller, at Sellers expense, will also deliver. <br />(1) tar statement; showing no delinquent taxes on the Property, <br />(2) an assignment of all Innees to or on (ho Property. <br />(3) to the oxient asslgnable, an assignment to Buyer of any licenses and permits related to the <br />Properly; <br />(4) evidence that the person executing this contract Is legally capable and authorized to bind Seller; <br />and <br />(S) any notices, statements, cortifcetes, affidavit:, rcicosos. and othor documents regvired by this <br />contract, the commdtmont, or law nerursary for the closing of the :ale and Lssuanco of the tltio <br />policy, all of which must be completed by Seller as necessary. <br />D. Al. dosing, Buyor will <br />(1) pay the :ales prlca in good funds acceptable to the escrow agent <br />(2) deliver evidence that the person oxecuting this contract Is legally copablo and authorized to bind <br />Buyer; and <br />(3) execute and deliver any notlocs, statements, certificates, or othor documents required by this <br />ocntraCT or taw necessary to closo the sale. <br />E. Unless the panlas agroo otherwise, the ctoeing documots will be as found In the basic forme In the <br />current edition of the SbYW Bar of Texas Real Estate Forme Manual without any additional dausas. <br />10- POSSESSION; Seller will deliver possession of the Propertly to Buyer upon dosing and funding of this <br />sate in its present condition with any repairs Seller Is obligated to complete under this contract ordinary <br />wear and tsar axcepted. Until closing, Scllor will operate the Property In tho samo mannor as on tho <br />effectnro data. Any possession by Buyer before closing or by Seller after dosing that is not authorizod by a <br />separate writlen lease agreomont Is a landlord•tengnt at sufforanco rotoUonship between the parties. <br />11. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: (Identify exhibit 1 1'speclo /provisions are confslnod In on arlachmont.) <br />I INC:;ALIM ►RICE WILL S[ CAL CULATLO DN THA ■AAIC DP 116,000.80 PER 3URVGYED ACRF TNGR4IC A CAP 01 ST20,000,00 TOTAL <br />PURCNAAS►RICH ON THU LALL IF THE TOTAL OURVGyED ACR(a n LABIL THAN 44.00 ACRES, THE SALE& PRICE WILL 01 REDUCCO 70 <br />110.1101140 PER ACRS. IP THE TOTAL AUSIMED ACRE& M M0RETHAN44F>o ACRES, BUT LB6: THAN 43AC ACRE6, THE TALC PRICA <br />WILL IIW20 0110A0. IF THE TOTAL SURVETED ACReA It aREATGR THAN 4.00 ACRE3, THE SELLER OR GUYEM WILL HAVC THE; OPTION <br />Of CANCELLIND THIA CONTRACT. <br />21 TN6 WILLER AND BUYER AGREE THAT THIS CONTRACT MAY ae GMUTED IN COUNTERMRTG: AND A AAXID COPT OF A SIGNATURE <br />Of EACH PARTY TO THE CONTRACT PRESENTED To THE TITLE COMPANY WILL BE BINDINO AS IA6cuTION HEREOF. <br />12. SALES EXPENSES: <br />A. Seller's Expenses; Soller will pay for the following at or beforo dosing: <br />(1) reloases arealeling liens, other jhan those lions assumed by Buyer, Including prepayment ponalties <br />and recording fens: <br />(2) release or Seller's loan liability, If applicable. <br />(3) tax staticmants or oortlncatcs; <br />(4) preparation of the dead: <br />(S) one -half of any escrow fee; <br />(8) costs to record any documents to cure We objections that Soller must tune: and <br />(7) other expeneen that Seller will pay under othor provisions of this contras, <br />(TAR•1002) 2.&42 InIPPi w for ICenUncallon by Buyer, _ (rOUS. Paso 7 of t <br />