Comrnertynl Connect Un —pro—d Pruparry Concaming 477H 9E 7TALL7, VAa4. 7110XAS
<br />B. Buyer's Exponoti: Buyer will pay for the followinp at or before dosing,
<br />(1) all loan expenses (roe example. application foss, origination roes, aiawunt fool buy-down fees,
<br />commitment foes, appraisal fees, assumption foes, recording fees, tax service roes, mortgageo tlUe
<br />policy expenses, credll report fees, document prepamimn fees, interest expanse that Buyer's landor
<br />roquires Buyer to pay at dosing. loan related Inspection foes, amortization schadulo foes, couner
<br />fees, underwriting fees, wire transfer loos, and other foes required by Buyers fender),
<br />(2) preparation of any deed of trust;
<br />(3) recording fees for the deed and any deed of trurd;
<br />(d) premiums for flood Insurance as may be required by Buyer's lender;
<br />(5) one -half of any escrow Ica;
<br />(6) copy and delivery fees for delivery of the Me commlbnont and related documents; and
<br />(T) other expanses that Buyer will pay under olhar provisions of this contract.
<br />A Prarzltlan�:
<br />(1) Interest on any assumed loan, faxes, rants, and any expense reimbursements from Icnams will be
<br />proratod through the closing data.
<br />(2) If the amount of ad valorem taxes for the year in which the sale closes Is not available on the
<br />uastng data, taxos will be proraled on the basis of taxes assessed in [he previous year. If the taxes
<br />for the year In which the sale doses vary from tho amount prorated at closing. [he parties will adjust
<br />the proration when the tax alatemants for the year in which the anle rdosee become available This
<br />Paragraph 13A(2) survives dosing.
<br />(3) If Buyor assumes a loan or Is taking the Properly subject to an exisling Ilan, Seiler will Transfer all
<br />reserve doposlts hold by the lender for the payment of taxes. Insurance premiums, and other
<br />charges to Buyerat.uosing and Buyer will fulmburse such amounts to- Sailor by an appropriate
<br />adjustment at closing.
<br />B. Rol back Taxnt+' if Seller changes the use of the Property before closing or It a denial of a special
<br />valusUon on the Property claimed by Seller results in the aesesement of additional taxos, penalties, or
<br />Interest ( asossments) for periods before dosing, the assessments will be the obligation of the Seller.
<br />if thie sale or Buyer's use of the Property after closing results In additional assessments for periods
<br />bororo closing, Iho assessments will be the obligation of Buyer. This Paragraph 136 survival dosing.
<br />C. Rent and Security DaQOSts: At rJosing, Seller will tender to Buyer all securlry deposits and the
<br />following advance payments received by Seller for perodB after closing: prepaid oxponaos, advance
<br />rental payments, and olhor advanco payments paid by tonenla. Rants prorated to one party but
<br />received by the other party will be remitted by the reciplont to the party to whom It was prorated within 5
<br />day@ after the rent Is received. This Paragraph 13C survives closing.
<br />1a, CONDEMNATION; If before dosing, condemnation proceedings are commenced against any part of the
<br />Property, Buyer may:
<br />A. lorminato this contract by providing written notice to Seller within 15 daytti alter Buyer is adviped of the
<br />condemnation proceedings and the earnest money, loss any Indapendont consideration paid under
<br />Paragraph 7B(3xa), will be refunded to Buyer, or
<br />B appear and defend In the condemnation pmoeedings and any award wYl, nt Buyers election, bolong to:
<br />(1) Seller and the sales price will be reduced by the some amount; or
<br />(2) Buyer and the sales price will not be reduced.
<br />(TAR -1902) Z -t42 Inlllelcd for Idenir c3lion by 0vy"rV _ Soller _ _ hago e of 13
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