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TML Intergovernmental Employee BeneGts Pool <br />Austin. Texas <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br />(RISK PARTICIPATING MENiBL•'R) <br />W}{EREAS, the TML lntergovernmental Employee Bene(its Pool, hereinafter rcferred to as TW_. IEBP, <br />is a legal entity created by Political Subdivisions of the state and governed by trustees, and is the <br />successor of the Texas Municipal League Group Bencfits Risk Pool fonnerly operating under the name of <br />the Texas Municipal Leaguc Insurance Trust Fund, which %vas established May l. 1979; and <br />WHERGAS, t1ie undersigned Employer Member represents that it is a Politica! Subdivision of tliis state <br />or of anotheF state, that it is a"Local Government" qualified to entcr into this Interlocat Agreernent, and <br />that its goveniing bady has acted by majority vote, at a duly callcd and posted public rnecting, to <br />authorize and participate in this Interlacal Agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, thc undersigned Political Subdivision has examincd all thc facts and issucs it deems relevant <br />and detennined that it is in the best interest of the Political Subdivision, its Employees, officials, and <br />rctirecs and thcir dependcnts to enter into this Interlocal Agreemcnt and to obtain onc or more life, sick, <br />accident, and other healtli benefits, as well as the related services, by becoming a member of the TML <br />IEBP; <br />VlHEREAS, the TML IEBP represents that it is a"Local Governmenr' qualificd to enter into this <br />lnterlocal Agrcement pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein set forth, the undersigned <br />Political Subdivision, together with other Political Subdivisions executing identical or substantially <br />simitar Interlocal Agreements, enters into this [nterlocal Agreemcnt for the purpose of providing certain <br />benefits and related services for their Employees, officials, and retirees and their depcndents. The benefits <br />will be provided under the authority of the laws of the State of I'eaas including the Texas Political <br />Subdivision Uniform Group [3enefits Prograrn (Chapter 172, Local Government Code), the lnterlocal <br />Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Government Code) and the Texas 'I"rust Code (Title 9, Subtitle B, 7'exas <br />Propert,y Codc). Thc Emptoyer Member hereby designatcs thc TML lE[3P as its instrumcntaliry to <br />administer the business and supervise the performance of the Interlocal Agreement and the operation of <br />the risk pool. All money transferred by the Lmployer Member lo the 'fMl. IEBP utider this Interlocal <br />Agreement, togetlter witli any other properiy which may become subject to tliis Interlocal Agreement, will <br />be held in trust by thc I3oard of Trustees of the TML IEBP for thc benefit of thc Gmployccs, officials, and <br />retirecs and thcir dcpcndcnts, of the Employer Members. Tlie conditinns of mcrnbcrship in thc TML [EBP <br />arc agrced upon by and between the partics as set lonh hereinafter. <br />When used in this (nterlocal Agreement, the capitalized tcrnis shall havc the mcanings specified <br />in this paragraph unless the context clearly requires othenvise: <br />"F3oard of Trustccs" or "Board" or "Trustees" means the lnistees sclccted pursuant to the Trust <br />Agrccment I:stablishing the TML lntergovernmental F..mploycc I3cncfits Pool to supcn•ise the <br />opcration of thc TML IEBP. <br />"Covcrcd Participant" means a persnn who is elieible for crn•crage and who has cnrolled in a <br />Plan. <br />"L:rnployec" means a person who works at least 20 hours awcck for a Political Subdivision <br />Interlocal Agreement (rev. 06105/09) - Page 1 <br />