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the purpose of the T.'v1L IEBP. The Ty1L IEBP maN ernploy and contract with a third party <br />administrator. <br />The TML IEBP may purchase escess loss coverage or rcinsurance as providcd in Chapter 172, <br />Local Government Code, and all Employer Members are subject to the terms and conditions of <br />any such eacess loss coverage or reinsurance agrecrnent. <br />Each Employer Member will designate and appoint a pcrson of department head rank or above to <br />be the L-mployer Alembcr's Coordinator with the 7-ML IF-.BP and agrees that thc 'l'N1L fEBP shall <br />not be required to contact or provide notices to anv other person. Funher, am- notice to or <br />agreement by an Gmployer Nefembers Coordinator with respect to services or claims hereunder <br />shall be binding on the Employer Member. The Employcr Member reserves the right to change <br />the Coordinator from time ro time b}• giving written notice to the TML (EBP. <br />8. The Employer Membcn cereby appoints the TML 1l:DP as its agent to act in a11 mattcrs pertaining <br />to the processing and handling of claims nnd agrees to cooperate fully and provide all information <br />necessary. All decisioris on individual claims shAll be made by the TML IEBP or by its contracted <br />third parry administrator. <br />9. "fhe ?ML IEBP shall be audited annually by an independent certified public accountant, and the <br />audit shall be filed as rcquired by the laws of the State of Teras including, but not limited to <br />Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code. A summary financial report will be pravided to each <br />Empioycr Member upon request. <br />10. All monies availablc for investment shal) be investcd by the TML IE[3P in compliancc with thc <br />Public Funds Investment Act of 1987 (Rx. Gov''t' Cout:. ANN. Sec. 2256.001, cl seq.) or the <br />Texas Trust Code (Subtitle B. Title 9, Property Code). <br />H. Each Employer Mcmber, as Plan Administrator, rctains thc riglu, duties and privileges of thc Plan <br />Administrator and acknowledbes it has responsibility far compliance with the state and federal <br />laws applicable to employee benefits. For purposes of delivery of any Continuation of Coverage <br />notices, TML IEB!' is not thc Group Administrator for any Employer Member unless and until a <br />separate contract for administration of Continuation of Coverage is entered into bchveen TML <br />IEBP and that Employer Member. <br />12. To the extent authorized by la.v, the Employer Membcr nbrees to indemnify and hold harmless <br />the TML IEBP for all claims, damages and expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees <br />and costs of court, arisinb out of acts or omissions of officers or Employees of tlle Employer <br />Member in conncction with the Plan. The Lmploycr Member agrees w pay all such claims, <br />damages, and expenses out of current revenues at the time the obligation is deterrnined. In the <br />cvent current revcnues arc inadequate to fund thc obligation at the timc it is dctcnnined, the <br />Employer Member agrccs to take the appropriate budeetan action sufficicnt to pay the <br />obligation. <br />13. 'Che Employer Vlembcr agrees that all conditions of c;overage for the beneCts providcd shall be as <br />specifed in the Plan booklcUdocument fiirnishcd to the Ernployer ~Membcr b), thc "rML ICBP. <br />The Employer Member agrees that the Emplo}'ees and the Board of Trustees of thc "CML tEI3P <br />and individuats and entities mrith whom the 'I'ML IEf3!' contract for staff' functions may receive <br />Plan benefits. <br />14. Gach Employer Member acknowledges that some I'lan benefits are provided in accordanee with <br />Chapter 172 of the Locai Government Code. Tliese benefits are not insurance and the TML lEE3P <br />is not an insurer under the Insurance Code or othcr laws of the state. <br />lnterlocal Agreement (rcv. 06/05/09) - Page 3 <br />