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Narrative Information <br />Introduction <br />The Narrative section is the description of your projett. It is important that the infortnation you provide about your project is clear and as <br />concise as possible. Note: AIt applicants must certify to the eligibility requirements specific to the fund source. The minimum requirements <br />to compiete this page are the Propram Requirements, Problem Statemant, Supportiny Data, Goal Statement, and Project <br />Summaty sections. We recommend that you compiete any sectlons appllcable to your project to assist in the appllcation review process. <br />Click on the Save and Continue button at any tlme to save the information entered on this page. If you dp not click on this button and <br />navigate away from the page, your woric will be lost. When you click the Save and Continue button, you may receive several error <br />messages that instruct you to complete the requlred fields. Your data on any given tab will not save to the system until a!I required fleids <br />are complete and correct. In addition, you have a 2-hour time Iimit for each tab where you will need to complete the informatlon correctly <br />and theh click the Save and Continue button. There is a tlmestamp in the upper-right hand corner of the page that notes when you first <br />clicked on the tab. From that point, you have 2 hours to complete the informatlon on that tab correctly. If you do not complete the <br />information correctly (for the required fields) and then you click on the Save and Continue button, you wfll be redirected to the eGrants <br />Home Page. If this happens, your data wili not be saved in the system. You may also choose to compose a message on this page for OOG <br />to review. This can be done by typing in the Notes By Grantee / OOG message box. <br />Getting Started <br />On this tab you will notice a certain icon that is displayed. <br />4~ = an information icon - this help icon Is next to certain items that may need further explanatfon. Simply click and review the <br />information provided in the pop up window. <br />Primary Mission and Purpose <br />The purpose of the Justice Assistance Grant (]AG) Program fs to prevent and cpntrol crime and make improvements to the criminal justice <br />system. <br />Funding Levels <br />The anticipated funding Ieveis for the )ustice Assistance Grant program are as foilows: <br />• Minimum Award - None <br />• Maximum Award - None <br />• The Justice Assistance Grant program does not requfre a grantee to provide matching funds. <br />For more information regarding grantee match, please click on the Budyet tab, and then click on the Source of Match tab in eGrants. <br />Note: If you voluntarily Include matching funds that exceed the minimum match requirement, you will be held to that amount throughout <br />the grant period. <br />Program Requirements , <br />Nole: The requlrements for fhls fund source are subject ro change pursuant Co actions of [he U.S. Congress. <br />Preferenees - Preference wilt be given to projects that perform the following activities; <br />1. Increase the presence of law enfortement along the Texas-Mexico Border and other ports-of-entry. <br />2. Target statistiCally wpported areas of violent crime. <br />3. Promote the use of interlocal agreements (7'exas Govemment Code, Chapter 791) to target statistitaily identified major threats to <br />a specifled geographicai area. <br />4. Promote intelligence sharing, crime reporting and communication. <br />5. Provide law enforcement equipment to jurisdictions Yhat were not eligible for dlrect funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance <br />under the Justice Assistance Grent Program. <br />Program Areas <br /> 2/19/2010 <br />~ UOQ1~3_~ <br />