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12-Resolution authorizing a grant application through the Office of the Governor's Criminal Justice Division to con't Felony Crimes Unit Grant
City Council
Agenda Packets
02 February
12-Resolution authorizing a grant application through the Office of the Governor's Criminal Justice Division to con't Felony Crimes Unit Grant
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2/19/2010 4:43:54 PM
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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 2 of 5 <br />Applicant 05sures that its proposed project meets at least one of the foltowing Program Areas to be eligibie for funding: <br />Law Enforcement - Supports state and local law enforcement a9encies that address violent crime or sWtistlcaily supported major crime <br />initiatives at the local level. <br />Note: Law enforcement agencles applying for equipment on/y or agencies app/ying to provlde /aw enforcement training <br />must apply under this program area unless they are seeking to purchase or enhance technology. <br />Prosecution and Court - Programs that improve the prosecution of serlous and violent crimes, fncluding those that reduce the time from <br />amest to disposition. <br />7echnoloav - Programs that Implement or expand a law enforcement agency's abifity to report and analyze crime. Applicant assures that <br />any criminal intelligence databases developed under this program will comply with 28 CFR Part 23. <br />Drua Treatment - Programs that target substance abuse treatment for juvenlles or adults who have been court ordered to partlcipate, <br />including dru9 courts and projects that serve as alternatives to Incarceration. <br />Drug Treatment Projects <br />ProjeCts that target substance abuse treatment for juvenifes or adults under the Drua Treatment program area (as defined above), are <br />required to complete the following information: <br />Note: If thls program area is not apppcable, please con[inue to the Drug Court Type item, and then select 'N/A' for alf of <br />the Jtems In the drvg court profects section. After se/ecting 'N/A; con[Inue to the 'Program Inrnme' item. <br />Mandatory Drup Courts - Pursuant to Texas Heaith and Safety Code g469.006, counties with a populatfon of more than 200,000 are <br />required to establish a drug court. Applicants from these counties must alsa apply to the federel govemment for any funds available to pay <br />the costs of the program. A county with a population of 200,000 or more that does not establfsh and maintain a drug court progrem is <br />ineligible to receive state funds for a community supervision and corrections department, and grants for substance abuse treatment <br />programs administered by the Govemor's Criminal ]ustlce Division. <br />Ten Key Components - The drug court will inmrporate the following ten (10) essential characteristia of drug courts noted below and <br />codified in Texas Heaith and Safety Code §469.001: <br />Inteoration of Services - The integration between alcohol and other drug treatment services in the processing of rases in <br />the judicial system. <br />Non-Adversarial Aonroach - The use of a non-adversarial approach involving prosecutors and defense attorneys to promote <br />public safety and to protect the due process rights of program participants. <br />Promot Placement - EaHy idEntiflcation and prompt piacement of eligible partiGpants In the program. <br />Access - Access to a contlnuum of alcohol, drug, and other related treatment and rehabflitatlve servtces. <br />Abstinence Monitorina - Monitoring of abstinence through weekly alrnhol and other drug testing. <br />Comoliance Strateav - A coordinated strategy to govem program responses to participants' compliance. <br />7udicial Interaction - Ongoing judicial interactfon with progrem participants. <br />Evaluation - Monitoring and evaluation of program goals and effectiveness. <br />Edu f n- Continuing interdisciplinary education to promote effective program planning, implementation, and operations. <br />Partnershios - Development of partnerships with pubiic agencies and community organizations. <br />Observation - The drug court team (judge, prosecutor, defense counsel, treatment provider, supervision offlcer, court coordinator, etc.) <br />of a new program must observe at least one drug court staffiny session and hearing prior to program implementation. <br />Policies and Procedures - The drug court wfll develop and maintafn written policies and procedures for the operation of the program, <br />Informatfon Shariny - The applicant will submit a copy of any project evaluations, evaluation plans, recidivism studies, or related <br />reports that are completed during the grant period to CJD. <br />Drug Court Date - Yf the Drug Court is already in operatlon, provide the date that thf5 Drug Court was established. If this is not <br />applicable, go to the next question. <br />Enter the date (mm/dd/yyyy): <br /> 2l19/2010 <br />r,0 <br />Nn t. ~ ~ <br />
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