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TIENCE Sauth 02 deg. 49 min. 00 sec. West urith the West line of said residue 3.061 acre tract <br />and the East line of said residue 3 acre tract, a distance of 154.10 ft. to a'/2" iron rod (set) for the <br />Southeast corner of same, Southwest corner of said residue 3.061 acre tract, and the 'NTOrth line of <br />said 3.02 acre tract; <br />THENCE Sauth 89 deg. 59 min. 52 sec. West with the North line of said 3.02 acre tract, a <br />distance of 630.00 to the place of begirming, containing 2.231 acres of land. <br />I, PHILIP W. CORNETT, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5515, do hereby certify <br />that the above field notes were prepared from an actual survey made on the ground under my <br />direction and supervision. <br />GIVEN LTNDER MY HAND AND SEAL, this the 12`h day of January, 2010. <br />onal Land Sarveyor No. 5515 <br />09-378 <br />Ar~ <br /> <br />MI <br />