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MINUTES OF THE FIRE AND BUILDING CODE REVIEW COMMITTEE <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET, PARIS, TEXAS <br />April 13, 2010 <br />5:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Vice-Chairman Fuston called the meeting to order at 5:12 p.m. The following members <br />were present: Mike Davenport, John Fuston, Bryan Hargis, Johnny Norris, Kim Stephens, <br />and Carolyn Whelchel. Council Member Pickle was in attendance. Also, present were city <br />staff Ronnie Grooms, and Dale Mayberry. City Manager Kevin Carruth and City Attorney <br />Kent McIlyar were attending a Paris Economic Development Corporation meeting. <br />2. Deliberate and act on the approval of minutes from the meeting on March 9, 2010. <br />It was a consensus of the Committee to approve the minutes as presented. The <br />Committee noted that they had not reviewed minutes for the meetings of January 12, 2010 and <br />February 9, 2010. <br />3. Deliberate and review of the Fire and Building Codes. <br />Vice-Chairman Fuston referred the Committee to the proposed amendments beginning on <br />page 26 of the draft Ordinance. The Committee continued their review of the Ordinance and <br />made the following suggestions: <br />Sections 3302; 3403. 6; 3404.2.11.5; 3404. 2.11. 52; 3404. 2.11. 5. 3; 34064. S; <br />3406 5. 4. 5.1; 3406; 3406; and 3803. 2.1. 8- delete. <br />A Motion to recommend adoption of the 2006 IBC and 2006 Fire Code pending <br />verification of proposed amendments to the Fire Code was made by Bryan Hargis and <br />seconded by Mike Davenport and passed unanimous. <br />4. Future agenda items. <br />At the next meeting the Committee will discuss with the Fire Department the <br />amendments and the IEBC 2006 with emphasis on Chapter 11. Bryan Hargis also suggested <br />the inclusion of the 2008 Electrical Code. <br />10 <br />