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D. LEVEL OF COMMITMENT OF THE APPLICANT (20 Points) <br />In the space below, provide information related to the applicant's level of <br />commitment to preferred solid waste management practices, based on <br />specific questions outlined in the scoring criteria. Please attach any <br />additional pages if needed. In addition, please attach any formal <br />resolutions in support of the proposed project. <br />• Total project cost is $34,612.80, of which the City of Paris contributes 26% as a match <br />• The City of Paris does not seek funding for operating expenses <br />0 The City of Paris does not seek funding for salaries <br />• The City of Paris would like to strengthen its' brush and limb recycling program, but <br />lacks the funding for the skid steer loader <br />• The proposal has not received funding under this program or any others. <br />• The City of Paris has successfully operated a compost site for 10 years and is committed <br />to providing this service and expanding it when possible. <br />5.1 <br />