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(Attachment) <br />ABTPA-7 <br />DETECTIVE <br />The Investigator will work under the supervision of the Detective sergeant and shall be subject to the <br />supervision of the Paris Police Criminal Investigation Division Lieutenant and shall be subject to such <br />orders as the Chief of Police subscribes not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Texas or the <br />mandates of the Texas Auto Burglary Theft Prevention Authority. <br />He shall devote 100% of his official duties unless granted leave of absence by the Chief of Police or his <br />designee, the detective Sergeant. One hundred percent of his salary is paid by ABTPA, except for what <br />overtime is accumulated, which is paid by the City of Paris. The detective's responsibilities shall be: <br />1) Assist the supervisor in all operations of the Task Force when requested. <br />2) Keep the proper records and reports to turn into the supervisor as required. <br />3) Work with every responsible, legitimate group or agency in a cooperative effort to prevent <br />auto crimes by educating the officers and public. <br />4) Work diligentlyin the investigation of and pursuit of all crimes relating to vehicles. <br />Assist in the prosecution of all those charge with auto crtimes <br />ABTPA-8 <br />