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11-Hear and deliberate on presentations from non-profit organizations requesting funding
City Council
Agenda Packets
08 August
11-Hear and deliberate on presentations from non-profit organizations requesting funding
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List other sources of funding for this project and the amounts: ETCADA programs are funded through grants from <br />the Texas Department of State Health Services which requires a 5% local match of funds. Additional program support is <br />received from Lamar County United Way ($2,818) and Lamar County ($500). <br />Is a detailed project budget, including columns and descriptions for allocations of city funding and the agency's <br />matching funds, attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No ETCADA's project encompasses 23 counties and its budget is not tracked <br />by locality. Funds received from Paris are utilized to provide support for the ATR program which is under-funded by the <br />State of Texas. An overall program budget is attached. <br />Is the agency's most recent financial statement or audit attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No <br />Have you received funding from the City of Paris in the tast five years for this or any other project? 0 Yes ❑ No <br />If you have received previous city funding, list the name of the project, the amount of the City's award, and the <br />year awarded: $4 500 of 2009 for 1) Access to Recovery, 2) School-Based Prevention Prog~ram, 3) Juvenile Probation <br />Pr°gram <br />Detailed description of project (including description of need, scope of work, methodology, who benefits, number <br />of beneficiaries, other project partners, etc.): <br />Access to Recovery - Addiction is a disease that impacts every aspect of our community and contributes to some of our <br />most devastating social problems. It is often a silent partner in domestic violence, child abuse, teen pregnancy, high <br />school dropout, and crime. It threatens families as well as the very fabric of our society. Drug abuse is a growing <br />problem that is best addressed by comprehensive programs that combine community resources, professional intervention, <br />and local financial support. All too often, by the time an alcoholic/addict seeks help he/she has lost employment and the <br />health insurance benefits that go with employment. The State of Texas provides help for individuals who cannot afford <br />drug/alcohol treatment. Access to Recovery (ATR) links people to the state-funded treatment. Through ATR, ETCADA <br />provides a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor at the Paris office (3737 Lamar Ave #200) to administer clinical <br />screening/assessment and referral for those who are seeking help for their addiction. The counselor is available at the Par- <br />is office one day per weel<. Because treatment is under-funded in Texas, most often clients must wait for placement. Dur- <br />ing this interval, the ETCADA counselor offers crisis intervention and brief motivational counseling to individuals to keep <br />them engaged in the process of accessing treatment or other recommended services. The ATR counselor will detennine <br />the type aiid intensity of services needed by the client and when appropriate, shall address the family as a unit, provide <br />referrals for family members, including prevention services for the children. Outreach is used to provide community <br />aNvareness of the Council's services and resources. ETCADA maintains crisis help 24/7 through its toll free Help Line <br />(800.441.8639). During 2009, our counselor saw 19 Paris residents and responded to ten (10) hotline calls. <br />School-I3used Prevention Program: Using research-based curricula with proven outcomes, trained ETCADA staff facili- <br />tate drug and alcohol prevention programs in Paris and North Lamar ISDs. These programs are designed to reduce the <br />onset of the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. ETCADA's prevention program serves youth in grades 3-8. <br />Students, grade 3-5, go through an 8-week curriculum, Life Skills Training, and one weel< of Tobacco Prevention training. <br />Students, grade 6-8, go through a 10-week curriculum, Youth Connection, and two one-weel< sessions of Tobacco Preven- <br />tion. Outcomes are measured through pre-post tests. During 2009, 723 Paris and North Lamar students participated in <br />school-based prevention programs. <br />Jztvenile Probation Program: YoLith in Paris Alternative School participate in an intensive iutervention program called <br />Project Toward No Drug Ab_use. Utilizing an outcome-based curriculum, students work through the 10-week program <br />City of Paris <br />Revised 7/07/09 <br />- - 84 <br />
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