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REQUEST FOR PUBLIC FUNDING Arenr/rn <br />Non-profit agencies requesting funding form the City of Paris for projects that benefit the citizens of Paris must comp~ete <br />the following information to be eligible for consideration (you may use additional pages, if necessary). ptppdd~itior'~ r~ ~ase <br />submit with this form a copy of your agency's most recent fnancial statement or audit and a detailedbudget orthe <br />project. Agencies must also make a brief presentation on their project at a city council meeting. 'j'j'y jigMAGER <br />PARIS, TEXpS <br />Agency Name: East Texas Council on Alcollolism and Drug Abuse Date: 7/6/2011 <br />Agency Mailing Address: 708 Glencrest Lane Longview TX 75601 <br />Agency Phone Number: 903.756.7633 Agency Fax Number: 903.753.0574 <br />Contact Person: Susan Erwin Morgan Contact's Title: Executive Director <br />Contact's Mailing Address: 708 Glencrest Lane Longview TX 75601 <br />Contact's Phone Number: <br />903.247.9646 <br />Contact's Fax Number: 903.753.0574 <br />Contact's Email Address: smor an( <br />Name of Project: 1) Access to Recovery, 2) School-Based Prevention Program, & 3) Juvenile Probation Pro rag m <br />Location/Service Area of Project: 1) Access to Recovery is located at the Paris ETCADA office at 3737 Lamar Ave <br />4200. It provides access to treatment services for residents of Lamar County. There are other ATR offices throughout <br />northeast Texas serving 22 additional counties. 2) School-Based Prevention Pro rams serve Paris ISD and North Lamar <br />ISD students in grades 3-8. Intervention services in the Paris alternative school serves at risl< youth ages 14-18. 3) Juve- <br />nile Probation Program is an intensive intervention program that serves youth, ages 14-17 who are in the Lamar County <br />juvenile justice system. <br />Summary of Project: Access to Recovery: Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors provide confidential services for <br />individuals seeking treatment for alcoholism and/or drug addiction. ETCADA's counselors conduct clinical screenings <br />and assessments to determine the severity of alcohol/drug problem and then make the most appropriate referral to treat- <br />ment services. ETCADA's after-hours Crisis Help Line provides free, confidential and immediate assistance 24 hours <br />/seven days per week. <br />School-Bused Prevention Progranzs: Using research-based curricula with proven outcomes, trained ETCADA staff facili- <br />tate drug and alcohol prevention programs in Paris and North Lamar ISDs. These programs are designed to reduce the <br />onset of the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. The school-based component also incfudes individual coun- <br />seling sessions for youth in alternative school settings. <br />Juvenile Probation Programs: Youth who are involved in the justice system receive a 10-week outcome-based program, <br />Proiect Toward No Drug Abuse, and individual counseling by trained ETCADA staff. <br />Describe how your project will benefit the City of Paris and its citizens: ETCADA's programs meet critical commu- <br />nity needs by linking addicted youth and adults to drug/alcohol treatment and ensuring that community youth are exposed <br />to prevention strategies that are proven to reduce the onset of the use of drugs or alcohol. <br />City of Paris Revised 7/07/09 <br />- - O~ <br />