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City of Paris <br />July 2010 Financial Report Comments <br />Net to Date Comparison of Revenues: <br />1. Overall tax collections (current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties & interest, plus attorney fees) are <br />0.46% less than last year's collections. Current property tax collections (O&M share) are down .89% <br />or $55,894 compared to this time last year but this amount is less than the expected drop which <br />was caused by the senior tax freeze shifting more of the tax rate to the debt portion of the rate and <br />less to the O&M portion of the rate. As a percentage of the tax roll levied, we are at 97.55% <br />collection vs. 97.57% last year. <br />2. Sales tax collections are 9.59% below last year's collections through this month which is 1.80% <br />behind the current budget. <br />3. Hotel occupancy taxes are 7.02% below this same time last year. At the end of July, all hotels were <br />current on their payments except for La Quinta and the Ramada Inn (old Holiday Inn). <br />4. Franchise taxes are down 5.84% primarily due to lower quarterly remittances from Atmos Energy. <br />Information provided by Atmos indicates that the drop is due to a combination of much lower <br />natural gas prices and slightly lower sales volume. TXU Energy payments are also lower this year. <br />This has been partially offset by increased payment from Suddenlink. <br />5. Permit fees are down $79,406 compared to last year. This is due to the large permit issued to PISD <br />last year. <br />6. Municipal Court fines and related fees are down 12.86%a. <br />7. Hanger lease payments and interest earnings are down $79,951 compared to last year but this is <br />due to the somewhat irregular timing of these payments. At times renters will get behind a month <br />or two then catch up and sometimes they pay in advance knowing that they are going to be away <br />for a while. Over the course of the year this works itself out but it can at give a distorted view of <br />collections during the year. Likewise, interest revenue does not take place evenly throughout the <br />year. <br />8. EMS fees are down 4.62% from last year. <br />9. Miscellaneous collections are up 18.48% and this is primarily due to the TML equity return to the <br />City related to general liability and worker's compensation insurance. Because it is a non-profit <br />insurance pool, TML periodically refunds member cities any excess reserves built up over time. This <br />should equal out by the end of the year as TML also sent an equity return last year in August. There <br />was also a TXDOT reimbursement of routine airport maintenance at Cox Field. <br />10. Total General Fund revenues are 4.98% below last year's receipts at this time due to the lower gas <br />and electric franchise payments plus lower sales tax receipts. General Fund revenues to date equal <br />85.97% of the budget while the City is 83.33% through the budget year. <br />11. Total General Fund expenditures are 2.05% less than last year through this month. General Fund <br />expenditures to date equal 78.57% of budget while the City is 83.33% through the budget year. <br />12. Water revenue is down 1.70% reflecting the unusually large rainfall we experienced in the Spring. <br />However, this shortfall is gradually decreasing with the onset of the hot Summer months. Sewer <br />revenue is down 2.23%. Miscellaneous revenues appear to be up only because they have not been <br />offset by any major charge offs. <br />13. Total Water & Sewer Water revenue is down 1.88% from last year. This reflects the decreased <br />water sales and the completion of reimbursements from the City of Irving last year. Water & Sewer <br />revenues to date equal 79.69% of that budget. This percentage is behind the budget to date <br />percentage of 83.33%. However, the summer months usually produce the highest water sales. <br />I - 36 <br />