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10. Deliberate and act on the Preliminary Plat, the Final Plat, and a curb and gutter <br />variance request on Lot l, Block A, McGlendon Addition CB-305, located at 2690 <br />Campbell Street. <br />11. Deliberate on proposals received for landfill services and residential collection <br />services. <br />12. Third reading, deliberate and possibly act on an Ordinance granting to Steve B. <br />Raney and Wendy L. Raney, d/b/a Yellow Cab Company, an extension of an existing <br />franchise to use the public streets, alleys, and highways of the City of Paris for the <br />purpose of transporting passengers for hire in motor vehicles. (requires three readings) <br />13. Third reading, deliberate and possibly act on an Ordinance granting to Steve B. <br />Raney and Wendy L. Raney, d/b/a City Cab Company, an extension of an existing <br />franchise to use the public streets, alleys, and highways of the City of Paris far the <br />purpose of transporting passengers for hire in motor vehicles. (requires three readings) <br />14. Third reading, deliberate and possibly act on an Ordinance granting to David <br />Thompson, dib/a Lone Star Cab Company, an extension of an existing franchise to <br />use the public streets, alleys, and highways of the City of Paris for the purpose of <br />transporting passengers for hire in motor vehicles. (requires three readings) <br />15. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution accepting the bid and awarding the <br />contraet for the Stillhouse Road Widening Project to Richard Drake Construction Co.; <br />and; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents.. <br />(A motion to remove this item from the table is required before deliberating.) <br />16. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution approving final payment and closing out <br />the contract for the Smith Creek Bridge project. <br />17. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution approving an ageeinent with Paris Living <br />to administer the Homebuyer Assistance Program funded by the Texas Department of <br />Housing and Community Affairs in the amount of $312,000; and authorizing the City <br />Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. <br />18. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution appointing a member to the Main Street <br />Advisory Board to fill an unexpired terin on the Board. <br />19. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution confinning the City Manager's <br />appointment to the Civil Service Commission. <br />20. Deliberate and possibly act on a Resolution authorizing an Airport Project <br />Participation Agreement with TxDOT Aviation for Federal funding for improvements <br />at Cox Field Airport; and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute all <br />necessary documents. <br />21. Deliberate the employment of consultants to assist in redistricting. <br />22. Convene into Executive Session: <br />• Pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the <br />purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. <br />• Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the <br />appointment, employment, evaluation, reassigmment, duties, discipline, or <br />dismissal of a public officer or employee, to-wit: the City Manager. <br />