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fence would keep people from doing this. <br />B. One letter received in opposition to the petition. <br />Debbie Krammer, 673 22°d Street S.E., Shawn Napier read the letter into record. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Board discussed setting precedence by allowing fence that directly conflicts with the fence <br />ordinance. Board members asked Mr. Napier if there was a way to hold the fencing <br />companies accountable. Mr. Napier stated the ordinance puts the burden of permitting <br />with the property owner. Motion was inade by Chester Martindale, seconded by Rick <br />Hundley to deny the variance. Motion carried 5-0. <br />4. Meeting adjourned at 12:21 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS l s` DAY OF MARCH, 2011. <br />~7At- <br />rg, ~'f J.41 ~~Jjvjf j n 04 jf,4, I/ <br />~-Terry ~ <br />C 'stian, Chainnan <br />11 <br />