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Basis of award: <br />It is the intention of the City of Paris to award this contract on the basis of the lowest delivered <br />price that meets the specifications, and the special work requirements stipulated by the Street <br />Division; however, the City of Paris reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any <br />infonnality in bidding, and to award the bid as may be advantageous to the City of Paris. <br />Price/aavment: <br />Price is to be delivered price, exclusive of any applicable taxes. Bidder is hereby notified that the <br />City is exempt from state and local sales taxes. The City of Faris tax exemption number is <br />1-756000635. A tax exempt certificate will be furnished upon request. <br />Bid price, per ton, will be delivered to the Department of Public Works Service Center, 50 W. <br />Hickory, Paris, Texas 75460, or other site within the city limits of the city of Paris. <br />Pa}nnent will be made within thirty (30) days after receipt and acceptance of the materials. <br />Qualification of bidder: <br />Bids will be considered only from manufacturers or their authorized distributors. The authorized <br />distributors must maintain a substantial stock of material bid upan and must actively engage in <br />the sale of flexible base material. Such stock and facilities may be examined by a representative <br />of the City of Paris at any time either before award is made or during the life of the purchase <br />order. <br />91 <br />