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L iVVaI Ira%. iI vu,~u{I 4 iu.n - ovo JIL i~vU I cu i't Guii UI•JJE+III CUCJI/u iC1 <br />BI.D FORtit <br />'i:'o: Mayor and C,:1ty Coumil <br />Citv of Pazi's <br />135 1'± S.E. <br />Fr) 13ox 90' ; <br />Pans. Texas ; 5461 <br />Fxqpz; ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC. , _ . ._(~~~ie of Bz~~er) <br />11612 RM 2244, BTJILDING l, SUITE 250 ________(Add7'e5s) <br />AUSTIN, TEXAS 78738 (Addregs) <br />If you do nat «jzsh to b~~.~. on at1 itezn bel~,~x-~- please u=rite "?'vTo Bid'° ,)z1 bid 11.13e. <br />1.) PurSuant to and in complianceWitli your bid sper.ific3tiotis foz thc tuxnashiniz azid of <br />-got Mix Cn1d Laid.-k.sphalt, Type "A," (Coarse Base) 1latec•ial, we biLi the follo,rnng: <br />Hot NTix Cold X.,aid Aspbalt, Type "A" (Coarse Base)1Vtaterial will be fuxnished and <br />deliveredfc►r the price of: <br />S N0 BID <br />per tora. <br />P-u.rsuaut to azad in compliarice wi t1z ysxzx bzd speci.fications fo~r tile fr.u1-nishang and delitirzrVo# <br />Aggregate (~,'over Stnne ('f.Vpe B. Grade 4, Un.coate(l), tive bid the fo1Io«-ina: <br />Aggregate Caver Sto»e (Tvpe B, +Gz•ade 4, L;xacoaLed) vsill be f.ttrnished and delivered <br />fox tl,ie price of: <br />NO B ID per ton <br />_;.j k'ursu,-tnttt~anditlc:c.izt?.}~aianr.e~ti°zth~%~3u.r.bidspec~fica~o~.sfo~'t?:te.f.tun~~~i~t~:xzlddeZzverc~-o# <br />gQr.-egsts Gotier Stoue ("'ype B, Grade 5, iTncaatedj; we bitJ tbe f6ilc>'%-aTx~: <br />AggT-egate Gnvea- Stone (T ype JR, Grade 3, Uucoated.) wiil he fnrnished and delit-ered <br />for the price crf: <br />NO BID _ ptx tor.'~ <br />EXHIBIT A- <br />94 <br />