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Li~il iill. I I4\A.J(Al~i IU/1'VVJ JFL i'TVV ItiLI IT 6V11 VI"JJo31 IVULfvI{J <br />4.1 ~'ursu.t to and iz1 cornp}.iaoeewith youl L~Icl specification.s for the ~uYlzShinL atid delivezy of <br />Aggr,egate C~over Stotle (Type B, Grade 5, Coated), v+e bzd t]ir: foJ.lcwu1g: <br />Agcyz-eoate Cover Sto►a.e (Type D. Gracie -5, Coated) will be fuxnished and delxverrd for <br />t.he pric.e of: <br />S NO BID Pet ton <br />5.l ~'ursuax~t to anr~ u~. c~ux~li~nce ~,~ith yoaa laid s~.,ecifieat.ic~.n.s f~~r r.ize furiv.sili..g and c~e1iver~1 c~# <br />Hot Mix Cold I.aid Asphalt, Type "B" (Ti-ne Base) P4Ia#t.x-Yal, we bid th.e follow~uxg: <br />Hc►t 31fix Cold Laid Aspbalt, Type ::F" (k-ine Base) NTatzrial svill be £urnisb.ed and <br />delivei-ed fc,r #he pz•zce a#`: <br />$ NO BID pex- ton. <br />6.) Pursuant ti) azid i.n compliaaacewitkx yoiu' kiid specificatiC,n.s foT the fiirni.shina and deli'vea-y of <br />CRS-2 UrxnuLsioi) A.sphalt, we bid the'.followmg,: <br />CRS-2 EmtilSiou 4,sphal.t vvi.ll be furnished and debyereci for the priee o.f: <br />$2. 1261 per ga11nn <br />7, 3 PurSUaIIt to aud lri C0mpl]3nC6 with your hid specitxcatioris for [he fuTnishing azid delat-es'y of <br />Hc,t Mix Cald T,aid AsphaYt, Tvpe "`U" (Fime A-Iixtu.xE) Nlaterial, we bid t:taz £ollo«-i.n 0-,: <br />-nof Mix CQId L.tid. A.sphalt, Type "D" (IFine Mi.xture) Material wiil he furnisbed anci <br />d.£livered fox the pi•ice o.f: , <br />g NO BID _ pe'1C' tOn <br />8.) Pursua.n.cto aud in.complzarice withyour bid specificati.ars fet th,~ fu:rztis; i~g =d deli rez;,of <br />:lexible Base Material ('Red Rocl:), tive bid the fo11o-wanQ= <br />Flexible l'iase NIa#exial (Retl Rack) wiil be furtji.shed and de1ive.r.ed fur• tbe price Of.: <br />g No BID per tota <br />Fedettl lEnvltonmenk9 Fe•<: vAtl tao added 4m abo~~ pna~s, <br />at rgte 09 $.44,24/ton for asphal@ & po"r back, <br />or $.00133l0.v,6 f~T emaelsion Ioadv;, <br />r <br />J <br />