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LI yVll Ifll. I II+GJUIII I GA'1JV~J J!L I `f4V I GIJ 1'1 LVI I VI'JJtrll I C1VJ/{lIvj <br />9. i :f'uzsua.~t to and in cornpl.ian.ce «-%th ~.-Otir bid speci£cations fur tkzz fium:shing ata.d del.zz•Gn~ <br />oi Flexibl.e Base A-laterial {Nllbite RQCk}, «,e bid the foll.mNnnb: <br />flexible Base -Material (White Rock) wii.I he furvisbed aztd d.eliver•ed fUr the pri.ce <br />01: <br />S NO BID <br />per totl. <br />10.) Pursuant to arld i.n. caxn~.~liance «'ith yuurbid spEC:ificat.ious for the dtid deliveiv of <br />S5-1 Emnlsion Aspbal.t (Tac.k Uil), we bid the follvlvi,ag. <br />55_1 Emulszon Asphalt (TacJ,, Ui.l) tivill be fu.r.r._.isber3 aund detivei•ecl fur the pt•ice, of: <br />5 2.1261 <br />per gallaii <br />11.) Ftn-SUarat ta and in complianee wzth y°our bid speci.f'i.catiotts for the fumishing annd del."-e.ry c,f- <br />Pprtlaild Cement CoriCxefe, zve bid the foXlU«"iag: <br />Bid Item No, 1: <br />"`Ciass A" (S sack) Port].and Cement Camcrete $ No BID cu. yd. <br />Bid Ttem:Vo. 2: <br />"Class C" (fi sack) Portland Cez►zeut C:oncre#e $ NO BID cu. yd. <br />Bid Ttem No. 3: <br />"Gt'Uut" S NO BID ru. yd. <br />Pursua,nt tta diZd iri Conlpliat7ce yoiu' bid SpeC1~'.`tG8hOt1S fC1T't~?e :~t~tSl3.5~i1~'1g dT1C~ CJglivery of <br />Sand, «'e bid the £'ol:lowxng: <br />~ NO BID prr ton - d.elaitiered t0 the C_'i#ti nf Pau'►s at 30 W. kfi.ckary, or otbex• si.te <br />~FVitiaao. the crty liniits of the city, of Faris. <br />Title; AREA SALES MANAGER <br />TOM 0'LEA Y ~ <br />Da#ed tl-lc 17th Ot FE13RUARY <br />Federai Environrnen4al Fee vHiil be added 4o abaese qrim!~ <br />at rate of 5.4424Pton for asphol4 & po"P PDS~' <br />o* $.00133/g2J for ecnselsion 1aa1& <br />?011. <br />PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT WHICH FOLLOWS! <br />96 <br />