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WHEREAS: No City Empioyee Shouid Have to Endure Any Form of Harassment; <br />WHEREAS: Federal Law prohibits Racial Harassment; <br />WHEREAS: City Employment Policy Section 2.01 declares that the CITY is an equal <br />opportunity employer and prohibits race discrimination consistent with Title VII; <br />WHEREAS: Respect for others generates a comfortable and productive work <br />environment. <br />The CITY OF PARIS hereby announces and adopts a NO <br />TOLERANCE policy regarding Racial Harassment in the workplace. <br />No Tolerance means there is no discretion in the City of Paris <br />work environment, regarding the supervision of Employees, or <br />application of policy in processing reported racial remarks, racial <br />jokes, racial slurs or racial harassment as defined herein. <br />Reported or discovered racial harassment must be processed and <br />if established, the Employee will be immediately disciplined. <br />The following is the official CITY OF PARIS definition of racial harassment: <br />Racial harassment is any form of verbal, written, or physical conduct based on <br />race, culture, or skin color which creates an intimidating, uncomfortable, or <br />offensive work environment, and that may tend to interfere with an employee's work <br />performance. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to racial "jokes", ethnic slurs, <br />offensive and derogatory comments based on race or color, racial pictures or text <br />messages (including emails), and or graffiti. <br />Conduct is presumed to be offensive if the employee has been requested to <br />stop the conduct because it is offensive under this definition, and continues or <br />repeats the behavior; or if the employee has been previously disciplined regarding <br />such conduct, and subsequently engages in prohibited conduct. <br />The City, as an employer has an obligation to stop any form of racial <br />harassment in the work place. Employees of the City WILL NOT be allowed to <br />engage in, conduct, encourage, or conceal racial harassment in the work <br />environment. The City has the authority to enforce this policy by any discipline <br />including termination. Any City employee found to have committed the offensive <br />conduct listed above or conduct that the city manager and/or city council deems <br />grossly inappropriate will be disciplined immediately. Discipline shall include but is <br />ao~) -6 <br />