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Employees who feel they are being unlawfully harassed should contact the Human Resources <br />Officer immediately or as soon as possible. An employee shall report a claim of unlawful <br />harassment to the City's Human Resources Ufficer as soon as possible, but in no event later than <br />180 days following the date of incident. Complaints of unlawful harassment received by a <br />supervisor at any level should be forwarded to the Human Resources Officer or designee as soon <br />as possible but in no event later than three (3) business days of the complaint being filed. It is not <br />required that the employee follow the chain of command in issues related to illegal harassment. <br />City management will investigate all clairris of harassment with a goal of completing the <br />investigation in thirty (30) days or less. Provided, however, should the investigation take longer <br />than thirty (30) days to complete, the City%Manager shall notifv the City Council of the reasons <br />for needing additional time to complete said investigation. <br />SECTION 2.03 - Complaint Process <br />The City requires that employees report all incidents of discrimination, harassment and <br />retaliation, regardless of the offender's identity or position. While not all incidents of harassment <br />violate the law, the City's policy is to discourage and correct harassment and other inappropriate <br />conduct long before it gets to that point. Any employee who observes or otherwise learns of <br />possible harassment in the workplace or who feels that he or she has been subjected to conduct <br />prohibited by this policy must report it immediately to their Department Director, the Human <br />Resources Officer and/ar the City Manager. <br />Employees who desire to file a written complaint should complete a Grievance/Complaint fonn <br />and submit same to the Human Resources Officer or designee (See Attachment 5 of the <br />Personnel Policy book). <br />Investigation. All reports of conduct in violation of the City's anti-harassment policy will <br />be investigated promptly by the Human Resources Officer. The investigation may include <br />individual interviews with the parties involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may <br />have other relevant knowledge. All employees are required to cooperate with the investigation. <br />The investigation of the alleged harassment will be treated as confidential to the extent permitted <br />by law. <br />Retaliation Prohibited. Retaliation against employees because they made a good faith charge <br />or report of prohibited conduct or because they assisted in a complaint investigation is <br />prohibited. <br />Resaonsive Action. The City takes violations of its harassment policy very seriously. <br />Misconduct will be dealt with appropriately. Discipline, up to and including termination of <br />employment will be imposed upon any employee who is found to have violated this policy. <br />Likewise, disciplinary action will be imposed in situations where claims of prohibited conduct <br />were fabricated or exaggerated or where an employee does not cooperate in an investigation. <br />titi <br />