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provided to the City by the towing company requesting the study. <br />1. A towing company may request that the City conduct a towing fee study by <br />filing a written request with the City Manager by certified mail, return receipt <br />requested, or by hand delivery. <br />2. Within ninety (90) days after the filing of an initial request, additional <br />towing companies may join the request by filing written requests in accordance <br />with Subsection (1). <br />3. The City shall conduct a towing fee study if the initial requestor and the <br />additional requestors, if any: <br />A. Accounted for not less than fifty percent (50%) of the non-consent tows or <br />incident management tows performed in the City during the preceding twelve- <br />month period, as determined by the City Manager; and <br />B. Deposit with the City Manager a total fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for <br />the towing fee study. <br />4. If the towing fee study is not conducted the City shall refund the fee, less a <br />ten percent (10%) administrative fee. <br />5. Each towing company requesting the towing fee study shall cooperate with <br />the City to conduct the study. Each such towing company shall provide to the City <br />information determined by the City finance department to be reasonably <br />necessary to determine the fair market value of towing services regulated under <br />this article. <br />6. The City finance department shall complete a towing fee study not later <br />than the 120th day after receiving all information required under Subsection (5). <br />7. The City finance department shall present the City Council the results of the <br />towing fee study. The City Manger shall give to each towing company that owns or <br />leases tow trucks registered with the City written notice of the time, date, and <br />location of the City Council meeting at which the study is to be considered. The <br />notice must be sent by United States regular mail to the towing companies' <br />addresses listed in the latest registration applications on file with the Chief of <br />Police. <br />8. Based on results of the towing fee study, the City Council may change the <br />non-consent towing and incident management fees. The maximum fees must <br />represent the fair market value of the services of a towing company performing <br />non-consent and incident management tows originating in the City. <br />9. The City is not required to conduct more than one towing fee study within a <br />two-year time period, measured from the date the City Council most recently <br />considered a towing fee study. <br />-16- <br />. 1 7 4 <br />