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plans far the same. <br />f. Any other requirements which the special events cominittee deems necessary to provide <br />adequate traffic control. <br />(4) Sanitation plan - is subject to final approval by the Paris-Lamar County Health <br />Department, City Engineer, and the Director of Public Works and shall provide for the <br />following: <br />a. List all food vendors who will operate at the event. This list must be complete prior to <br />the event in order for all food vendors to be inspected. Health permits shall be required <br />of all food vendors, the fees for such permits being in addition to the application fee, <br />and such food vendors should be prepared to pay for such health permit prior to the <br />event. <br />b. A plan for disposing of food services gray water. <br />c. Based upon the estimated attendance at the event, a detailed plan for and description of <br />loeations for sanitary facilities. A minimum of one (1) facility per five hundred (500) <br />people is required. <br />d. Permits will be reguired, when applicable. <br />e. Any other reguirements which the special events committee deems necessary to provide <br />adequate protection of the health and safety of the citizens. <br />(5) Clean-up plan - is subject to final approva] by the Fire Chief, the director of Engineering, <br />Planning & Development and the director of the Paris-Lamar County health department <br />and shall provide for the following: <br />a. A detailed plan adequate to guarantee cleanup by the time the permit expires. <br />b. A cash bond to guarantee clean-up of the event shall be posted at the time the permit is <br />issued and the amount of the bond will be detennined by the special events committee <br />and will depend on the size and nature of event. <br />l. Minimum bond of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). <br />2. Maximum bond of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). <br />3. Refundable upon completion of the clean-up in a manner satisfactory to the city. <br />c. Any other requirements which the special events committee deems necessary to insure <br />adequate clean-up of the area. <br />10 <br />97 <br />