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(6) Electrical plan - is subject to tinal approval by the city engineer and shall provide for the <br />following: <br />a. Meet all reguirements of the 2008 National Electrical Code, a copy of which is on file <br />with the city clerk of the City of Paris and is available for exainination by any <br />applicant. <br />b. Permits and inspections as required. <br />c. Any other requirements which the special events committee deems necessary to provide <br />adequate safety for citizens and property. <br />(7) Layout of vendors, booths, f'acilities, etc. plan - is subject to final approval by each <br />member of the special events committee and shall rrovide for the following: <br />a. A detailed drawing of the site where the event will be held, indicating the approximate <br />location of all vendors, booths, etc. <br />b. Any other requirements which the special events committee deems necessary to provide <br />adeyuate protection of the health and safety of the citizens. <br />(b) lf any plan submitted is deemed inadequate by the special events committee, the applicant <br />shall have five (5) business days to eorreet such inadequacies, provided that all corrected ar <br />amended plans be submitted no later than twenty (20) days prior to the event. <br />(c) A permit will not be issued if any plan required by this Section is deemed inadequate by the <br />special events committee and such inadequacies are not remedied within the permitted time. <br />"Sec. 24-70. Insurance required. <br />(a) Applicants for a permit under this article shall, at the time of the filing of the application, <br />furnish the city with a certificate of insurance for special events complying with the standards <br />established by the city and in such amounts as required by the city, naming the city as an additional <br />insured, and shall execute a waiver of liability in favor of the city on a form provided by the city. <br />(b) Applicant shall provide a copy of the insurance policy or a certificate of insurance for the <br />special event which provides a minimum of $300,000 per occurrence and $600,000 aggregate of <br />General eommercial general liability insurance written by an insurance company licensed by the <br />State to write insurance commercial liability policies in the State of Texas. The policy shall list the <br />City af Paris, its elected officials, ofticers and employees as an additional insured under the <br />commercial general liability policy and shall require 30 days prior notice to the City of Paris <br />before said policy is ainended or terminated. <br />11 <br />98 <br />